Monday, May 21, 2012

The girl rocks a hat

We went up to see Miss. MJ for her birthday and had a wonderful time.
There really is nothing like seeing the world through the eyes of a two year old to make one snap into the reality of what is important.
Really important.
Did you know that squares and triangles are important?
Saying please with eyes that melt,important.
Hugs, bugs, and kisses thrown with laughter,important.

Learning how to use a squirt gun to shoot your Oma, really,really important.

Juice boxes, blueberries,twirling and strawberries, very, very important.

And, the girl can rock a hat.

Her Mama taught her how to make snowflakes out of a piece of a napkins and then blow them around the table.
And she likes the taste of green curry....

Happy Birthday!


  1. She's beautiful, and you can tell she's got a great personality from the pictures. Love the smile.

  2. two year olds just make my heart melt.

  3. My son's 2yr old boy is a real pistol. I love them at that age, they are so much fun and have so much energy! Your grand looks like she would be fun too!

  4. green curry may be the tastiest thing ON EARTH :) she is not a baby anymore!

  5. Love that little cutie pie. Sorry I missed the weekend. I hope you got some extra hugs and kisses for her aunt les.

  6. Oh you guys are so kind to let me share our girl with you.
    She is a luv!

  7. yes those are the important things of life for sure. And she likes green curry

  8. What a beauty (must take after her Oma!)

  9. Dang. That's one good lookin' kid! =)
    Glad to have you visit for Mara's birthday, it was fantastic to spend time with my parents and my daughter TOGETHER!!! <3 <3


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