Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What's up at Whynot?

What's up at Whynot?
First off I am still working on how to move and add pictures and use a new program plain and simple truth.
I spent part of the day on Sunday moving all my pictures over to the new computer.
Once I figured out how it took about 4 minutes to get them all on.
Now my hang up is getting them from the camera to where I want them.
And, I have not had a lot of time to take pictures so that leaves me little to post here with all my words.
I step out the basement door and shot some trees.
Upload  file names trees....that worked.
Then I step into the kitchen and shoot some flowers upload and where are they?

Not where I wanted them but here they are.
Now I could show you winter pictures or pictures from the last several years, but I am nowhere near figuring this all out.

So I am moving on for now:
We are glazing pots for the small kiln to fire this week while we wait for all the big pots to dry out enough to go through the bisque kiln.
We are planning a kiln opening for the end of the month, plan to come out.
May 26th from 9-5
We are working on plans for our October Open house and celebration of 30 years of working, living and making pots here at Whynot.
Date coming soon, I think the first week-end of October, again mark your calendars.

Mark and I have also joined the Co-op of Seagrove Potters in downtown Seagrove as of today.
We hope this is another way to sell pots and get folks who are new to the area to come and find us a mere 2 miles up the road. This will be a new adventure in our many adventures of living, working and making pots in the Seagrove area.

 Oh, I know it's spring but I can find this picture!
More later with what I hope are recent pictures and new adventures.


  1. Snow pics? That computer is messing with your head girl! But I love me some snow pictures, even if it is May. Good luck with the co op, seems like a god group to be working with, should be good for business!

  2. send some snow down here, we're already too hot. My old computer is always doing stuff strangely, and slower and slower too. Ha.

  3. The snow looks pretty, I love to see it...in pictures. I'll keep our sunshine.

  4. You all know it is not really snowing here- that is just me and the computer playing and trying to get to know one another.
    May snow- no- warm and seeming like summer today.


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