Saturday, June 30, 2012

and she slipped away through the heat of day thinking

can it really be 103 degrees with a heat index of 111.
111 seems like a number gone wrong.
We are spending so much time keeping things water and shaded that extra time has slipped away from me.

We did go out and share in the celebration of Four Saints last night as the hugs and handshakes went out for a job well done on making goal from their KickStarter  fund raising flurry of the past month.
We are very excited for these young guys to see their dream of opening a tasting room in Asheboro become a reality.
It will be good for all of us.
We were talking with many folks about the changes that are happening so fast in Asheboro, our use to be dry town, and where the vote of alcohol has taken them.
As someone who spent most of my youth in big cities it is puzzling why alcohol should be an issue.
Now that it is not we find more of our customers are staying over in Asheboro instead of driving 45 minutes in another direction.
Just watching the changes in Asheboro tells you that it is making a difference for this town.

We are working on mugs for the "mug" club and we have 10 in this kiln load.
The mug will need to hold 20 ounces and we had to beef up the amount of clay we were using to accommodate.
It needs to hold beer and a bit.
 If you scroll down on the KickStater page you will see the front mug with a swirl, black with  iron red. This goes so well with their colors and logo that we are pretty sure this will be the mug we will make for them.

The 10 blogs- give me a bit more time we are almost finished glazing, we have some pots to pack for shipping and are having out of town company next week. There are some dust bunnies to calm down and some spiders to evacuate.
Then I will be able to think past 103 degrees, 106 degrees, 107...111 degrees..
 And we are still picking berries...come and get some!



  1. Get a juicer for those blueberries, or put them in your beer. They make a blueberry beer at Top of the Hill that is amazing! I remember those days, living in Asheboro, and driving over to Randleman to get beer at the drive through beer store. Asheboro has changed soooo much since I lived there, so much growth! Where are all of those people coming from?!

  2. I can quit eating them! They are so good, but this heat might mean they are going quick.
    I don't know where they are coming from but my best guess is North.

  3. Much hotter and you can bisque fire in the parking lot instead of the kiln.

  4. More strange weather patterns, Gary just told me it was going to be hotter in Kansas than Death Valley today, scary, if I was closer I'd come and pick some of those blueberries they are so good for you. How about freezing some of them? Where are they planted I don't remember seeing them on your property.

  5. Damn. 103 degrees? Is that American degrees? Yikes. Makes our 80-something seem like a fall day in Fairbanks.

  6. We finshed off at 108.7 today. It has cooled to 107.5 as of a few minutes ago. Today just walking across the yard was like walking under water.
    Linda- the berries are right out the kitchen door at the end of the raised beds.
    We freeze many,many berries to eat over the winter months,they freeze great.

  7. Dennis it was hot enough for low fire today- or at least preheat.

  8. I can't read about all this heat when we are not even having a summer at all here in England! It's not fair!! Just reading about you dropping that pot ... it's weird, but each time I pick one up that I REALLY love, I think 'I could drop this'. xCathy

  9. Nice mug but that site made me thirsty and I have an afternoon's work still to be done.

  10. Cathy- I would be happy to send you just a little of this heat. I hope you warm up and we cool down!

  11. Lori- I know what you are talking about!

  12. Yikes thats hot, hope your taking plenty of fluids!

  13. lots of fluids- but we are a cool 90's today


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