Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunshine came softly through my window today

 We all need some time away from work to revive us.
I find it fun and interesting to follow what others are doing daily in their own lives and their work.
But, I like when life is stepped out of and what we do other than our work.
There are many layers to the many blogs I like to read, like life, it is sometimes good and sometimes not so good.

When someone steps out and recognizing you for something that you do it is a nice moment. I do have to think that people are being reached by the things we say and what we are posting.
I started this in 2008 like many folks as a marketing tool. What have I learned since then?
I am not sure it is a marketing tool at all. Sure there have been some sales through the blog, sure there have been some good contacts made, sure many customers do read us here as a way to catch up and see what we are up to, but as a marketing tool? I am still debating that one.

So Lori gave me an award the Sunshine Award.
It is so nice of Lori to do so.
We have never meet in person, we only know one another through comments and reading each others blog.
Yet, I feel I know Lori and would love to have the opportunity to meet her in person.
Right now I am following a blogger that I know who is driving across the country from Washington Sate to meet and greet small groups of women who she has meet and introduced by blogging. The idea was to have a group meet up and when that did not come together she decided to come to us. She is coming.
She will be here in July to meet me and 3 other blogger friends.
Talk about connecting.
Each time she post about the trip and about who she is meeting I feel as if someone has found long lost family for me.
Crazy I know- but some how this has all made our worlds a little closer.

 So on to me:

1. Favorite color: green, black, red, purple, fall colors, but then there is the spring- you can see I am a fickled beast. Think of the red and oranges of the leaves in fall or all the greens in spring...
 2. Favorite animal: Giraffe after doing the back splash with Lee I will never see them the same.
3. Favorite number: 513, 1221,509- see I have a hard time with just 1.
 4. Favorite drink: water
5. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
6. Good Book or a Good Movie: both- how can you pick just one...
7. My Passion: children, they are the future, our future, the future leaders doers and shakers.
 8. Giving or getting presents: giving
9. Favorite day of the year: When I get time with the family and there is no work involved
10. Favorite flowers: if it is blooming I am in love. I can not think of a flower that I don't fall for if it is in blooms from African violets, primrose, moon flower to big fat sunflowers. My secret is how sad they made me as they wilt away.

Now I have to think of my 10 and as usual carry this into another day...
Time for work!


  1. Those flowers look so beautiful, we just got 11 inches of rain and are expecting more, a small reprieve this morning though.

  2. giraffe, huh? they have such cute smiles and patterns :)

  3. Thank you Meredith, you're so eloquent. Please include the traveling blogger in your list. I think I'd enjoy reading her blog. That's actually how I connected with Linda Starr, she was blogging about her RV trip across the country.
    I'd love to meet you and Mark one day too.

  4. You bring up the Donovan lyric. I recently revisited the Davey Graham song "Deed I Do" as done by Donovan. It's as fresh as anything and Mark will probably appreciate the guitar.

  5. When I only have time to check out a few blogs, yours is always at the top of the list. It is a port in the storm some days. :)

  6. I am still in awe and wonder at the comments that come to me from writing this blog.
    Thanks Julia.
    John that was a nice walk back in time- I enjoyed it.
    Lori - there is a link on the side bar for
    Gary- can't wait for Mrs G to get to your place.

  7. Well, this was just a nice thing to read today! I almost bought you a metal giraffe at an antique store today, but wasn't sure if you wanted more clutter. If you want some clutter, I'll go back and get it for you :)

  8. Thanks for the link, I thought to look for it right after I sent the comment.

  9. Love the sun flowers, it seems only yesterday that I was posting pictures of sunflowers too, and now we're in the middle of winter with sleet in the air and a cold wind that feels like it is off the ice pack near the South pole! It is great how the blog brings people together and how you can travel enormous distances whilst sitting in your chair!

  10. HI TB- as much as I think I would like it is is worth more knowing you thought of me!

  11. Peter- i know- it is so much fun to see how others live and work and play! We are getting ready for mega HOT!

  12. I know I am to have my bloggers to pass this on to- but I am glazing- soon! Soon!


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