Sunday, July 15, 2012

A long slow drive on a Sunday

Mark and I took a drive today and as we were riding along I thought about you, yes, you and how much you would have loved to see the view out my window.

Just look at those summer clouds.
Lovely don't you think?
I have more for later.
But some days just don't need a lot of talk.
Just open road and Chris Isaak.....
I'm not sleepy..........


  1. you are too dam* funny- hot stuff! I have some tasty quiche tonight- yum,yum!

  2. Chris Isaak... the man of my dreams. (don't tell Jeff).

  3. Nice clouds! Those pics would be good ones to file away for cloud studies for painting!

  4. MH- Oh he is on my list of guys that I would leave Mark for... dream on.

  5. Robert it was that kind of summer day with great fat clouds full of image.

  6. probably snakes out there in those fields and all.... ;)

  7. Baja Sessions? One of my favorites for a hot drive...!

  8. We had those same clouds yesterday :-)
    Chris Isaak - one of my dreamy heroes!

  9. I love big sky photos, yesterday we had rain but Gary and I went for a drive anyway, we do some of our best talking on drives in the country.

  10. Lovely views! Just thinking about listening to Chris Isaaks is making me sleepy...

  11. Nice to see some blue sky! It's been raining here so long I'd almost forgotten what it'd looked like...

  12. So, good pottery AND good taste in music. Now I definitely need to come visit! Please arrange for Chris Isaak to be there as well. No snakes though, we have plenty of them in Florida thanks.

  13. yes, come on we can listen to Chris and case snakes.

  14. Chris Isaak? Who the hell is Chris Isaak?????

  15. what! What! do we need to talk Hollis??
    Now go look him up and get back with me.


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