Sunday, August 19, 2012

Slow Sunday

We woke up this morning to a steady rain falling and realized that this is just what we needed to make us take a slow Sunday.
On slow Sundays you can stay in your PJs until 11, or after.
You can watch a movie at 10 am if you like.
Check a lovely bisque firing but keep your hands and thoughts out of working in the studio.
Eat a late lunch of a sandwich with some mouth watering home grown tomatoes.
 (dust a little and rearrange the living room, I know that's work, shhhhh.)
And, why not (yes, whynot) think about taking in a show in the late afternoon. (Taking in a show, who says that any more...)

 What a day in August this is.
This is like late September even the bugs are still in their PJ's.

Mark has been working on some vases for the next firing.
This is only one that I was able to get a shot of.
There are some others that are as nice if not nicer.

These are going to be stamped with Whynot Pottery, Whynot NC, 2012, 30Th year on the bottom since October will be our 30th year.
I know, hard to believe....

We did run away Friday night for the show at the NCPC and was able to see a few pots.
You know how shows go, walk a little, talk a little, walk a little talk a little....
I am going to go back and drag Tracey and Susan with me, and we are going to look at this show.
Don't you love the bell!??
There are two of these and I think I could slip out with them putting one under each arm if no one is looking.

I am adding some small project tiles to the Etsy shop.
I have many of these that I make and set aside for all those projects I want to do but lately I have been thinking that someone else might want to do their own project with tiles and I need to move some of these along.
If you are interested let me know.

Well, it is time to see about taking in that show.
Wanna' come?
You can but don't be too slow...

for Leslie- yes, we do blues....


  1. I always like seeing Mark's vases.

  2. What a great Sunday this was. Not a slow one for me, but a full productive day finally working in my studio uninterrupted, heaven! Glad I read your post at the end of the day, I would have been tempted by the movie and pajama plan!!

  3. Oh, I love the blue tiles too! A show is a great idea for today. Wish I'd thought of that!

  4. That's a great bell, Thirty years what an accomplishment, congrats to you both what a milestone.

  5. Dennis- I know- me too- they are pretty nice to look at and use. I saw a vase at the show Friday night and it took me a guess or 2, or 3 to pin point who made it. With mark's you can spot the maker right off.

  6. TB- it is great to see you out of the PJ's! It has been a real summer for you of other things going on. I know you are happy to get your nails dirty.

  7. Laurie- we need to talk some tiles...what color is your bathroom?

  8. love the bell Linda- it is really nice.

  9. Your Sunday sound delightful. We were busy throwing pots like crazy here at Penalnd, nice to know that someone enjoyed it in a different manner, also glad that the sun came out here.

    The bell is wonderful, so is Mark's piece.

  10. 30th year! Woo hoo! That's a real accomplishment!

  11. Love the vase- yup, I'd like to put that one under my arm to take home! Congratulations on 30 years, that is quite an accomplishment...and I don't sense any hint of you slowing down!

  12. I really really love your slow sunday 30th anniversary pot!

  13. Those vases of Mark's are just so stunning when they are fresh and just starting to lose their sheen. And the tiles... wow! Nancy and I wanted to design a small line of tile. Never happened. Just one more thing that got waylaid.


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