Monday, August 6, 2012

the down and dirty

Let's call this one for the most part good.
There are about 6 pots that just did not get hot enough and we will fire those again. (your fired!)
What did we learn from this firing:
 We want to move the floor shelf up a few inches so it will be closer to 4- 4 1/2 inches from the floor to the first shelf instead of the 3 inches we have there now. When we were loading we talked about the kiln we had like this one before,back in the early days, and the light blub moment was- didn't we have the first shelf start higher?
I think we did and that is the plan- bring it up and hope for more heat on those bottom pots.
For the most part right up to the last 2 hours the top and bottom stayed 20 degrees apart.
Then the top jumped, the bottom fell behind and there was no coaxing the two to come back together.
The thought was to let the chips fall where they may and when the top hit 10 shut her down.

The iron red had some major iron trapping in some places and not in others.
When it grabs and holds the iron we like to call it Leopard spot.
You can just see a bottle in the back there on the right.
But, I may fire that one again.
The Beer mugs came out great. These are 4 ounces larger than the last ones we (Mark) made and will do 20 ounces with some room to spare. No loss on your beers with these!

Hey, you- yes, you- sexy girl- Oh, not you the pitcher.
This is my kind of iron red and with those tasty drips...... oh, yea!

We are just going to have to do this again.
Are you in?
Off to glaze on some tiles and think about what we are doing for the next load.

Feed me....feed me......


  1. I would most definitely call that a good firing! What a sweet little kiln:)

  2. thanks you two! I think she is a keeper,

  3. I was looking at the "sexy girl" pitcher and really love it, the iron red and the drips are great, but so is the form which is strong and l like the spring of the handle. Really the girl is the sort that knows her own mind and is going to achieve a lot as well as look gorgeous! Goodness, gas kilns are so clean looking after a firing compared to my wood fired kiln. Lovely work.

  4. Peter- thank you! There is something about a good shape with a good glaze that just calls out for use.
    I do like those gas fired pots and some color.
    I like wood fired and well, just about any pottery, but for us- gas calls.

  5. I love the spirals on the beer mugs. Makes it like there is still some brewing happening in that mug!

  6. DElightful beer mugs and drippy piture, mmmmmmm!

  7. You're getting some great firings with that kiln. It looks like perfect teamwork.

  8. She's a stunner, to be sure! Getting that heat flow rolling evenly is my challenge too. Looking forward to your next one :)

  9. Thanks all- those beer mugs, steins, are pretty nice.
    Yep- new firing coming up later.

  10. Success! What beautiful pots in that that pitcher.

  11. Those tall mugs are sure looking good; what a good firing and I hope raising the lower shelf will make it an even better firing.

  12. Hi Julia and Linda! Thanks fro stopping over.
    See ya'!


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