Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Middle and Back

Heads and toe.
Heads and toes.
Fingers and rings..
You put your right foot in and you.
Where was I???

Kiln- pictures:

Middle stack

Back stack- note some missing pots...Mark!

oh, those old hippie pots- so toasty warm...

Long day. Me and this Sunflower seem to feel about the same way, just a tad tired.
Too bad I can't share a beer with her.


  1. The blue on black is really working too.

  2. Ya'll really have this process down. Have you been doing it long? ;)

  3. Anna-:) only 30 years- still feel like I need to know more!

  4. Dennis- we have been working on the black- I think it was better this go round.

  5. As an old hippie, I luuuurrrve those hippie pots. Cool man!

  6. I love those old hippy pots too. Apparently everything I bought at Perspectives last weekend was a hippy pot. These pieces would fit into my collection nicely.

  7. That looks like a nice clean and perfect firing. We've got a couple of those tumblers in the middle photo. Dee's favorite water cups.

  8. smartcat- far out man.... never too far from my roots. Thanks!

  9. Lori-we ship! :0 Someday you will stop in and see us.

  10. Thanks Hollis.
    Are your prices fixed- that could also sound like you are part of a potter mob...price fixing..on the cape

  11. I always love your kiln pictures - so much yummy work in there EVERY TIME!

  12. Kiln pictures! My favorite. The more I see of your lovely pots, the more I am CONVINCED that my sister and I need to come visit. She is possibly more of a pottery nut than me. I can see that I would have a very hard time choosing from amongst all of these lovely things.

  13. Claudia- Do come- we will look at pots and talk about cooking.
    Oh- bring some of those lime cookies with you....


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