Saturday, September 1, 2012

Who put the er-ugh back in summer

After our delightful week last week there was nothing to do but bring summer back around, that  will show us who is boss.
It was hot and muggy here yesterday as we loaded the kiln. We took a few longer than usual breaks and drank plenty of water.
Stage 1- back stack in.
This was one of those 21 shelves from the back to the front.
All the top shelves or crown shelves were 14 inches or more.
This is more in line with what we usually have but I have to admit I do like it when Mark makes more tall pots since that means we put in less pots....
all loaded...

Somehow I missed getting a picture of the middle stack, must have been the heat.

 Mark got up in the wee hours to light the kiln and we are cooking with gas right now.

With all the excitement of the Blue Moon we had to go see it rise. The moon comes up over the pond and it did not disappoint us. When we got down there it was just coming up all round and orange looking. We both had cameras and even my little point and shoot was able to get some pictures.
Blue Moon over Whynot
Blue Moon
I tried to get more this morning as the moon was setting near our work studio but with the morning light I was not that successful. I am a little envious that Mark would have been able to watch it most of the wee hours while he was up to fire. He will tell you thought it was no longer the Blue Moon since today is September. Rabbit, Rabbit for good luck.

 This Sunflower is getting a lot of love from the bees.
It is time to move into Saturday and get ready to open the store. Hope you are all safe and well for the hoilday. Cheers! M


  1. We never got rid of the urgh here and we have sea fog this am, your moon photos are wonderful, white rabbit to you.

  2. Glad you took photos of the moon, with all of our trees I hardly every see it. It's a good omen for a good firing I think :)

  3. We were wiped out at the Randolph house from the first week of school and soccer galore, so I must confess I missed the blue moon (although it was lovely on Wednesday as well!) Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures; now I don't feel like I missed it at all!

  4. Last week's fall like weather was too good to be true... it's making this round of the muggies harder to take for me.
    Good luck with the firing!

  5. Hope to see the firing results! I totally missed the moon. oh well....Was sleeping, for sure.

  6. we are cooling today- no phone for about 24 hours but now we are back.
    Back to blow on the kiln some more.


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