Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Brain

I woke up with a cupcake sitting on the top part of my brain.
I can not tell you where or why but it was a yellow cupcake in the yellow paper like when I was a kid with white icing.
I really could not make it go away.
It was as if I was seeing it out of the corner of my mind's eye.
Why are you here and what do you want?

I told Mark about this and his interpretation of this was biscuits or scones.....
So as I got dressed he pulled out all the ingredients for our favorite Biscones.
The ones I made up a few months back.

Here they are again, you will want to make them tomorrow morning since everyone will have bought all the bread from the store since there is a storm brewing.

Biscones, by Meredith preheat oven to 450
1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat
2 cups all purpose
1/4 cup of oats
1tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp.salt
1TBS. baking powder
1/4 cup currants or raisins -hate them- leave them out
cut in 3/4 stick of cold butter

make a well in the center and add about 1 cup milk- whole or 3/4 of 2% with 1/4 cup of yogurt.
(we love the added yogurt)
The secrets- if it looks to dry add some more milk.
Don't handle the dough too much.
Toss out on the counter and finish folding-in the wet to dry.
Pat down, cut out and bake close together in a pan for 15-18 minutes at 450
Meanwhile, make coffee or tea.
EAT them hot with butter- good lord they are like coming home.
Mark puts no butter on his and will eat these cold later.

My other morning thought is why do we chase hot coffee?
How do we keep it hot?
And, why is coffee made in a coffee pot and tea in a tea pot and if you made your coffee in a teapot would it stay hotter.
Probably not.
So while you are making those biscones heat water, take your coffee cup, handmade please,  and put hot water in it.
Then make your coffee and add to your heated cup.
Oh, yeah- hot coffee, hot out of the oven biscones.
Life is good.

Now- we are off to finish glazing the kiln load of pots and then figure out what day we can fire since we have a storm brewing.
It seems we are always glazing away while the days are calm and then looking for that window of opportunity for firing.
The life of the potter is much as the life of the farmer.
When people ask if I farm I tell them, "No, I found another way to lose money".

Off to the studio- more about those mugs later.

And thank you all for your comments. I do read them and they make me smile.
Yes, Hollis, better me than you on this job.




  1. I've had those biscones and man are they yummy! Be right down with my hot coffee. I <3 U

  2. Its like they say about folk singers: "how does a folk singer make a million dollars? Start out with 2 million dollars!". No, not too many potters are super wealthy :)

  3. the wealth is in loving what you do I guess

  4. I like reading the way you write, today was almost seussical. :o)

  5. Just took a sip from my coffee and wishing I had one of those biscones. Even a cupcake sounds good.

  6. Those sound super yummy. I'll make sure to make a request for those when Lisa and I come down to visit you guys someday. :D

  7. biscones!!!! why am i just reading this?--would've been over in my jammies, they are sooo yummy!

  8. those biscone are so good- did anyone make them?
    Laura- and we would have made you coffee too..... you need to make a date with us soon.

  9. I am definitely going to try to make biscones when I get back from my trip this week. They sound heavenly!


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