Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Did someone get the number off that bus?

I am feeling just a tad run over this morning after many days on my feet.
It is a lot (not alot, which is a large animal in Africa) of work getting ready, setting up, going to a show and then tearing down and resetting the store.

The Celebration was as much fun as a new litter of kittens.
Friday night was great and then Saturday, although long, was a good day for all of us. It was a great crowd that comes from all over to this show. We see folks from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, South Carolina , Virginia...name it we see them.

The old coots.
This was Mark and I on Friday night getting ready to go out and get some of the beer from Four Saints.
As usual the beer was good. Those two guys need to open their tasting room soon. I think they are ready, as are we.

I could talk all about the pots but  instead I have to tell you that late Saturday afternoon I heard someone say, " how are your feet doing"?
I looked over and standing there was one of my best friends from high school.
The expression on my face must have been worth the 5 hour drive she and her husband made to see me.

I was so excited, amazed and touched that they would get in the car from Va. and take a ride to Seagrove to find me. Can you feel the love? I sure could and there were promises of a lunch next time I am in Norfolk.
Sharon and me-- some friendship love.
It was not as hard to do this show without Lee this year as it was last year.
My sister Leslie had 2 years of training while Lee was still with us and now she is an old pro and we had the system down for transactions and delivery of goods.
Also having Leslie means she goes to the house early while I am at the show and when I get home there is food cooking. Good grief I love that girl.

I do wish I had pictures of the witching hour.
We stay until 6 on Saturday. Lord knows why since there are little to no customers there at that hour they are heading home. But- the potters start getting punchy and you can see anything from some tap dancing to many heads coming together to laugh and catch up with one another. I really needed to take a picture of the potter who will go unnamed (Donna Craven) who managed to get some of her twisted lights on her head and run off like a deer through the show. Hysterical- but we were punchy.
We have decided we need either coffee or beer to stay past 5.

All the pots that did not go home with folks are back in the shop and we are now catching up.
We have orders to make and miles to go before we sleep.

Can you believe Thursday is Thanksgiving?
Nether can I!
Big love to my sister  for all her help!
I hope this person is not in the witness protection.


  1. i can just feel the great energy in this post. You and Mark are adorable, what a great couple you make. So happy that the show went well, and time is healing a bit of your pain from such huge losses in your family. You look great in the photos by the way!!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend, Meredith. And a mini-high school reunion. Pretty cool.

  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. My daughter Kate and I have been to this show a couple of times. It's amazing to see all the big bags of pots coming out the door past the people waiting to get in. After working so hard, why don't you take Thursday off.

  4. LOVE YOU RIGHT BACK. It was great fun, but Saturday kicked my backside good. Oof my dogs were barking.

  5. That just sounds like fun, even if it was exhausting. Take a break, you deserve it.
    Thanksgiving?! Thursday!!! Yikes!!!

  6. So easy to follow the two of you Meredith. You are full of good clean living. Since beer is so clean and all! Yay for pottery ! And potters.

  7. sounds insane!!! glad you had a super time tho :))


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