Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Winter Light

 Mark and I on many days look at the way the light hits the trees and pond.
When we go from those hot and humid days to the crisp days of fall and then run them right into the frosty days of winter you can just see the air change in front of you.
Yesterday was warmish and the wind was blowing like a man man beating the tarp around the kiln as I was getting pots sanded and ready to load in the electric kiln.
The wind was making me jumpy as it beat the tarp and acted like it could pull the tin right off the roof.
 I am use to it being fairly quiet around me while I work so I was keenly aware of the noise of the wind.

Once the front went through we were left with one of those cold winter to be days here and since the wind blew off the day for us we were left with that crisp morning air.
A tad chilly but chilly and calm.
 It has been an interested December full of the emotion of the past week.
I hope that like this wind we find some calm in the day.
Does this bit of sun looks like it is there just waiting for a cat?



  1. Wonderful photos, more light from your home to the pond now, eh?

  2. One of the things I love about being in the woods is the way the light changes from season to season.....sometimes hour to hour.

    Surely there is a puss somewhere to take advantage of that sun.

  3. The long shadows and brilliant light is one of the best parts of winter. Great pictures capturing just that.

  4. These photos make me homesick for your home.

  5. Even thought I miss the leaves it is nice to see more of the water.
    Thanks for stopping in my woods.
    Mrs. G- come back.

    smartcat- we will possibly have a cat by spring...

  6. Yesterday seemed like a magical day, the light was just right and so was the air. And I arrived home from my mother in laws to find a very special package from a very special person, THANKS!

  7. I love the light when its soft and golden like this, sometimes I just stop to watch the long shadows and feel the calm.

  8. The wind is a constant here in Wyoming! It is always blowing. Your photos are so calm and peaceful!

  9. If you have a sun patch like that you definitely need a cat. Or, I could come lie down on your floor too. Lovely photos of the pond. I can almost smell those crunchy leaves.

  10. today was another golden day here in the south- yes!
    Claudia- you can lie on the floor here anytime. I do it nightly to stretch out the back.

  11. How lovely it is to have trees, sunlight and shade! Nice photos. Px


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