Thursday, January 3, 2013

You put your right foot in

Yesterday, despite the fact that we both have books to read,we went back to the studio.
I loaded up dry pots into a bisque kiln while Mark worked up some clay and actually made pots, gasp!
I know....

There have been years where we would take January off and work on all those things that need to be done that you place to the side during the year. We still have a long list of things that need to be done but we also have gone into this year with some orders.

After I loaded the bisque I spent time cleaning the wheel and getting clay ready for today.
We use a commercial clay that comes in boxes,and there are times that you get clay that is spot on, just the right throwing constancy, toss it on the wheel right out of the box and it just grows pots.
Then sometimes you get clay that could break a wrist, hard and bouncy, no spring in its step.

Right now we have the hard stuff and to take it to the wheel it needs some "reconditioning".
What we do is cut the blocks up and dip the cuts in water, place them on a plastic sheet and cover overnight.
I even took this clay and squished it so it looks like vertebrates to get more water in.
 Today I should be able to run it through the pug mill and be ready to make some pots.
Now to get the list out.
Sugar Jars?  Tumblers? Mugs? Crocks.....where to start?

 I also did some in store shopping for a customer. I find I do this more and more. If someone needs a gift and can give me a budget and idea of what they want I go shopping for them.
Then I send them some pictures and let them pick something out.
You have to love digital cameras for the quick ease of getting a picture to someone.

What do you think? Need a gift? 

Oh, maybe this is a day to start some cruets. I  have only 2 left in the store and they can be such fun to make.

and you shake it all about...

Cheers- let's get those 2013 pots rolling.

that's what its all about.....


  1. You put me to shame, I'm still a sloth over here in Chapel Hill!
    I am frozen until I get my house back in some order, then the mind fog will lift..... I hope!

  2. That puts a little tune in my head.

    Saddle up cowgirl. Throw those pots!

  3. You and Meesh and Jeff have the most beautiful reduction glazes anywhere, just awesome :)

  4. Tracey they keep sending us those little incentives in the mail. Pots= paying the bills, keeping the lights on and even some beer money!
    You will get the bug soon!

  5. Thanks Gary- you have some great glazes as well- would love to steal some...

  6. Gotta get moving myself....

    I love that cruet, especially with the little plate beneath it. Nice touch. :)

  7. So good to see your work...and that you are at work. An inspiration, which I might follow in a few days. Need to get on that horse, as they say!

  8. I have some "just right" clay in the studio. I'm hoping it throws itself while I take the day off after having my last wisdom tooth out this AM.

  9. We are in the same boat... built up some good momentum in December and we are determined to keep it rolling. The other stuff will still be there next month!

  10. Mark's got the right idea, get some stuff made now to avoid a rush/panic later. I hope that works for him.
    Great idea about shopping with the digital camera.

  11. One of the things I miss most about using only local clay that I processed myself, is that I was consistent. SLOW, mind you, but always the same throwing body. So, I've gained time and increased prodution by buying clay in boxes, but I kinda miss the old days and clay that was always the same... :)

    Your cruets are amazing! :)

  12. love the in store customer shopping cool so accessible, happy making you2 :)) (staying inside, its heading for 44C today)

  13. thanks for the thoughtful and sharing comments.
    Clay was moved and jumped on the wheels today- it is a good thing!

  14. The in store shopping idea sounds like a great one! You busy folks. Other than creating a new soap today, I've been moving pretty slow.

  15. happy new year! hoping that 2013 is a great one for you and Mark. I'm busy catching up on paperwork stuff and then my reward is time at the wheel. hard clay is no fun- I want a pug mill!

  16. Laurie a new soap is wonderful! I love your soaps, they are the best ones out there.
    Amy- I fought Mark on the pug mill and now I would not do without.

  17. I'm in love with your cruets. They would look great on any table.

    Ah, a pug mill......eventually I'll get one. For now I get Proge to do most of my initial wedging.


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