Saturday, February 16, 2013

24 hours later, snow

Mark had spotted a Bald Eagle on the pond Thursday late afternoon so on Friday before we went to work we walked slowly around the pond to see if we could spot the eagle. Not only did we spot one we spotted two. One very large one and one smaller one.

As we were stopping to look for birds I noticed that we were having one of those days where the pond looks like glass.The water was so still, giving those great reflections in the water that I just love, with a blue sky and just hints of clouds.
 How could it possible be calling for cold and snow on Saturday when this weather was so savory.

We worked in the studio in the morning and then took advantage of the weather to get some outside work done.

Then today just after I had been over to check on a kiln a light rain started and now we are having a nice light snow.
Just like I like my winters.
Here today, gone tomorrow.

I hope you are all warm and safe.


  1. Snowing here on Cape Cod now, Meredith. Expecting 6-10 inches. Lucky us ...

  2. Too bad about our farm visit, but it sure was a nice day to snuggle in. I bet that's a mom and pop eagle getting ready to nest and make babies!

  3. oooh snow kinda cool contrast to your other pond pic M hope you have a great wkd :))

  4. Oh I did enjoy the snow! Thanks for everything today!

  5. Our snow is now gone leaving mud and cold behind. But...winter is not over yet. time we will have better weather to go and play.
    Hollis, you have snow on top of snow

  6. Beautiful still pond and pictures, Meredith! I could feel the peace and quiet. We thought we were in for a snow free weekend..Surprise!!!..glad yours have melted away.. :)

  7. Love the contrast of the two photos!

    More snow here. Not as much as Hollis, but enough!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Eagles! Cool. I hope you can get some pictures of them.

  10. snow was gone too quick! But I still have an eagle eye out for those birds.


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