Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting ready for spring

 There are times spent in the studio where we are just making the production. No bells, no whistles just working on the production line that helps fill the kiln and helps pay the bills.

I use to start every round of throwing with mugs, sugar jars and honey pots. Honey pots fell out of favor and I took them off the list. With the increase of local honey I have brought them back.
Plus, you don't want them for honey I am sure they would work for another need.

 Oil Lamps are an item we have made since we started.
 They have evolved over the years but this one is the all time customer favorite.
I keep a few in the house for those times when we lose electricity or when I just want a light on the table.
We had some friends over a few weeks ago and just as we sat down to eat the power went out.
Mark and I both went for the oil lamps. We ended up having a great dinner by lamp light. In fact we were all disappointed when the lights came back on.

 We like using the time in the studio during January and February to try and get ahead on some of this items. Mugs, bowls, jars and such. piling these things up is like banking some bisque ware.
Then when we get ready to load there are plenty of things to chose from.

Don't you just love those drips?
I think that it is drips like those that keep me coming back.

What are your go to items that you  need to go in every kiln load?
Do they stay the same or do you shake things up? Have they changed over the years?

Mark is putting on Coffee.
Need a cup?


  1. drips make me smile.... and coffee in the am thanks for asking call ya for a bevvy in 8 hours :)) xox

  2. our worlds are just upside down... I'll be ready for wine in 8 hours.....cheers ang!

  3. I SO hope Spring is really on the way...friends in New England are hearing forecasts of 35 inches of snow! Eek!

  4. that is way too much snow! EEK is right!!

  5. It was so nice to finally meet you the other day at the Pottery Center. I felt like I already knew you from reading your blog. Thanks for taking the time to post what is happening in your corner of the world. I hope our paths cross again some day soon.

  6. Ahhhh... I envy your focus and your knowing what to make, I walk into my studio and just stand there thinking well what do I do now.....
    Love those honey pots!

  7. Butter keepers are a big seller of mine so they are go to pieces as are the bud rings. I've been making honey jars all along because they do sell, just not as quickly as some other pieces. That reminds me...I might have to make some more.
    Love the drip.

  8. A cup of Mark's coffee... yes, please. Dinner by lamplight shared with you two was quite lovely, indeed.

  9. This inspires me to try new forms---- haven't done much of that lately. beautiful pieces!

  10. Hi Rita- it was great to meet you and to find out you read the blog. Thank you and I hope we meet again when you come to visit your grandson.

  11. Laurie that was a great dinner by "oil lamp"... we should do that again.

    Thanks all back to the wheel again today although it is wet,wet,wet out there.


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