Wednesday, March 6, 2013

You have to fill the whole kiln

 You have to fill the whole kiln up to the very top and to do that we need to fill up the top shelves of the kiln with those "crown" pots.
Mark has taken a few orders and one of them is for a nice vase, about 16 inches finished, that will be a wedding gift for a lucky couple who will tie the knot in July.

I must say that thinking ahead helps us since there is time to get the vase through the kiln and shipped before the wedding. We once shipped a wedding gift and the happy couple went on  a 3 week honeymoon. When the package was not claimed it was returned to us. We found out that this is not the case if the package is not insured this one was returned as unclaimed but without insurance you could lose your package to the unclaimed department.  The best lesson here is if you are checking someone's mail you should snoop a little just to see if there are any packages that need to be picked up for them. Otherwise, the package could be lost to them. In this case we just shipped again after the happy couple were back from the honeymoon. The hard part was the happy couple had to pay to have their gift shipped.
 Anyway, Mark is working on the big pots while I am working on planning for a glaze load. I need at least 21 shelves of pots for the gas kiln. I have 8 planned and it is so windy here today that I am not going to start on waxing until tomorrow. I use a window fan to remove the fumes from the room and today they would just blow back at me.

We are also losing internet every few minutes and it has me playing this cat and mouse game. It is here, now it is gone, it is back, reboot the computer, reboot the modem, it's gone, can not save, it's back, save quickly.
 There is someone from the phone company coming to check things out.
Who knows it could be a ghost in the machine. I swear I have one in my kindle that rewrites as I hit reply.
It comes up with some crazy things. Sometimes they are so funny. I am bad enough with spelling and misuse of words all on my own. Tell me how auto correct is going to help me when they chose the words for me.

I see it is time for me to get back to work.
Luch break is over.



  1. I don't think you will have any trouble finding a nice 16" vase among these.Maybe trouble choosing from all the nice ones.

  2. Those are some good looking vases. I hope we will see them in the finished state.

    The wind is picking up here. We're wondering what the coming storm will bring......hopefully no power outages!

  3. So many things to think about when you are a potter! It's amazing one can keep it all straight! Love Mark's vases and I agree, it's gonna be hard to chose just one.

    The only thing I like about 'auto-correct' is how it makes me laugh.

    We got wind and snow -- come on spring!

  4. Mrk is going to be the king of the big pots soon! Auto correct is so crazy, sometimes I go back and read what I just wrote and there are all kinds of new phrases, Grrrr...

  5. I thought these were some great shapes but hey- I am married to the man so I better!

  6. I'd love to know how to switch some auto corrects off they're really annoying!!! you end up say ing ridiculous things instead of plain english!! hope you get your interweb sorted...its crucial these days :)) x

  7. wonder what the post office does with all those "lost" items; fb has some real annoying auto corrects; we've had a lot of wind down here and downright cold blasts too.

  8. cheers indeed, pretty pretty wonderful big pieces!

  9. Ooh, you know how I love the kiln photos. 21 shelves? That's crazy!


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