Friday, April 26, 2013

A Friday in April

Oh, Mark you do make lovely vases that are rich with color.
The plan this week was to make this a non-clay week. With the exception of pricing, lugging and delivering finished pots, we accomplished our goal.
No raw clay was used or even looked at this week.
It was a week to work outside moving plants, work on the book keeping, go sit at a friends house, grill out and then sit in the dark and watch the flames of a bonfire lick at the night sky.
It was a week to go to a beer tasting, to deliver pots early in the morning, and then go have savory crepes for breakfast as a reward.

It was a week for tossing out papers and filling up the trash can.

A note here: I love trash pick-up.
We lived for years here without it and had to haul all the trash to the dump ourselves.  I am here to tell you that having someone come and get that trash can and take the things inside it away is a luxury. It is one of the bills that I really do not mind paying.

A night for a Pink full moon, that is not really pink but, the full moon of the month of April.

 It has been a busy, yet, lazy week and I could use another one.

How about you?
How are things going at your house?


  1. Yee Haw techno fun, I see you like my post as I'm reading yours. I do love these Jars and ode to form function and grace! It is true too that we can not make pots every day. So many other things to do!

  2. Yep- and just drooling over that cake you made. That my friend is a work of art to share. It looks fabulous!

  3. I have been in the studio today and will post about it soon. But indeed, those non-paint-slinging days are essential. They usually cycle for me after I've gotten alot of paint slung or paintings delivered. aaaahhhhh

  4. Sounds like a great plan that worked out.My outdoor shows start next week so I'm pricing and packing while trying in vain to talk myself out of taking so much stuff this year.

  5. Oh yeah, those cays of going to the dump! We gladly pay for our trash pick up too, but we still have to take our recycling away. Our road divides the counties and across the street where they pay Orange County taxes, they get their recycling picked up, grrr.
    Have a lovely non clay related weekend!

  6. Trash pick up is truly wonderful. It's worth every penny we pay.....and our guys are a mile away and at hand for septic tank pumping, dumpsters

    It sounds like a wonderful non clay week. Spring is coming in fits and start here. We are finally getting out purple carpet of violets and vinca. But it got cold enough last week to light the wood stove! We're in for a stretch of real spring....I'm putting in the pool pump today!

  7. P.S. I made granola yesterday, following your recipe, sans coconut. YUM!


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