Tuesday, April 30, 2013


And, just like that, in the blink of an eye, I can not see the forest for the trees.
There is a riot of green going on out my window.

I am fascinated by the green outside my windows and doors today.
Is it possible that there really are that many colors of green?
Yes,I think that there really are a million shades of green.

 The green leaves in our potato bed.
I didn't give this much thought until a friend of mine said, " I love how pretty the leaves of potato plants are....".

Seems I was not paying these the attention I needed to, they are lovely.

 I have been eating the lettuce from the garden, and it is full of greens.
There is the bib lettuce.

There is the red leaf.


And, where would we be without the Romain?
All of this, picked fresh, have been used in some form, as either lunch or dinner.
Fresh, lovely,tasty green.

The pond  surrounded by the trees wearing their best green outfits.

Don't we all need a little color with our green?
And, then there is us...
Let's enjoy this before I am posting the brown of summer.


  1. What a lovely post!

    xo Michelle

  2. Thanks! It is that time of the year that just begs for some time outside.

  3. This was fresh and lovely. The brown of summer will come all too soon.

  4. I was walking around Duke gardens today with my mouth hanging open, it was so beautiful. You should come up and see the gardens before it gets too hot! Talk about green.... Oh my!

  5. I get a little gren with envy every time I see that pond!

  6. It really is a great spring.
    F.b. that sounds great, it has been a few years since I was there.

  7. Weird how all the greens look so much fresher in spring than they do in tired old August, isn't it?

  8. Having a hard time staying in the studio on days like today, especially after a long cold winter. Nothing like new green! Our soil should be warmed up by the weekend for potatoes, not much else is moving above ground yet. So ready for greens from the garden :) thanks for the reminder of what is to come....

  9. beautiful greens, what a great crop of lettuce you have, we too are getting more layers of green this spring due to some nice rains.

  10. It will be green here one of these days ...

  11. I love this time of year when the green comes back, trees just bursting and plants straining to come up to the sun! Can't wait to have fresh lettuce again~ Your's looks delicious!!

  12. Green, wonderful Green! Yay Hay!
    Lovely post, and it gives hope to us here on the other side of the world, to see frost tender things like potatoes, where we are in the opposite season! Enjoy your greens! Pxx

  13. I never realized how pretty potato plants were until I went to Idaho (where Janet grew up). Now I try to plant them for the fruit and the flower.

  14. you are all so kind and I can see that I am not alone in my quest for all things green.


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