Sunday, April 7, 2013

I have been hanging out with thugs.

This is just not working out for me.
I have spent too many hours hanging out with thugs and I find that when I do this nothing gets taken care of.
The paperwork piles higher on my desk.
The mice take over the spare room and call in friends for a love fest.
The spiders build multiplex condos in all the corners and there I am hanging with thugs.
Just one more page, don't tell me Mark put another book on the reader...
I am going to have to quit something.
Maybe quit making pots and just take up reading.
My confession is I love a good trashy novel.
I know, I know I am suppose to be reading things to enlighten  and bring me to a place of zen, but no I want to read about thugs and the guys that go after them.
Toss in some humor and I am done.

It is not as if things are not happening around here with  getting ready for the spring kiln opening. We have pots in the bisque kiln, pots that are drying, pots that are being glazed and all I can think about is getting the bad guys taken care of. 
If the books are not bad enough we discovered Justified and just finished up the 3rd season.
I love streaming.
We have our raised beds ready for spring planting, lettuce and potatoes are in and we are talking about what other things to plant.
What is more important than the thugs is this weekend  that is coming up fast!

Mark and Meredith Heywood of Whynot Pottery and Acacia Tile are pleased to invite you to their spring event: Mud and Suds on Saturday April 20, from 9-5pm & Sunday the 21st, from 11-4pm
Mark and Meredith have been busy restocking the shelves and will have your favorite “hand crafted, homemade”, kiln cookies on hand for a quick munch.
Joining in the fun on Saturday and sharing her talents is Laurie Abela of Abela Bodycare.
Laurie is a long time soap maker and will bring her knowledge of soaps and bodycare to the show on Saturday.
This event coincides with:
 The Annual Seagrove Potters “Celebration of Spring Kiln Opening & Studio Tour”.

To check in with the local potters:
or I try to keep us updated at:
go over here and download a map and get the information on who is participating in the Open house
So you see the place I have put myself in.
There are cookies to bake and pots to be finish.
It's going to be showtime soon.
Put the book down.



  1. We kept blaming the tortoise for all the mounds in our side yard and then we discovered it was an actual gopher, the biggest one we have ever seen, he was a real thug, me, I just can't cotton to a thug.

  2. Springtime sure CAN make a person feel very distracted!

  3. Oh I so agree. I hurt my back a couple of weeks ago (the week before we moved!) so I can't do much unpacking at once, can't play with clay, can't weave. So I went out and bought a stack of books! Best way to keep from DOING too all I want to do is turn to the next page.

    But NOW I am feeling better so its back to work!!

  4. Ugh, I hear you! The constant issue of trying to find balance in life :)

  5. Linda- you need to "take" him out! At least out of your yard.
    Maybe he needs to be placed in the witness protection program.

  6. Anna- go back to bed and read some Elvis Cole books..

  7. Aside from taxes, I spent the week end hanging out with orcs, trolls, dwarves, hobbits, dire wolves and other strange beings, including crazy animal.

    My advice is to relax, eat pie and make pots.

  8. And Linda....get rid of that gopher or you will have gopher condo before you know it.

  9. Don't join a book club, you'll be done for.

  10. Ha, Ha...
    Love the "Mud and Suds" title for the exhibition, it is a grand combination. As for the issue of time management... or whatever the hopeless task of juggling potting, reading, shuffling paper, and preventing the living environment being taken over by small mammels, reptiles, spiders, and grime... we certainly haven't found the solution! (One year the mice here felt so much at home, that we started giving them names! Then the cats moved in and ...!)

  11. I've been hanging out with space-traders and virtual reality.

  12. laughed at the first two paragraphs!

  13. I am glad to read here that I am not on my own in the take me out of here and give me a book.
    You all make me laugh... trolls, I feel as if I deal wit those daily!

  14. Ha! I was going to ask what the book was but I see the words Elvis Cole in a comment. I LOVE THOSE BOOKS! Now I understand why you can't get anything done. I'm the same way. Wish I could be there for the big pottery party!

  15. PS. I have a friend who keeps threatening to get Joe Pike arrow tattoos but his wife would kill him.

  16. We are hooked on pike and Cole....must work....

  17. We have the same taste in literary dates. Am listening to Dave Robichaux as I type. I love a good thug throwdown.

  18. we sure do- have you tried the Elvis Cole and Joe pike books? Get one!


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