Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gifts of Spring

The weather was to be gray, with a touch more gray and about 2 inches or rain Monday and Tuesday.
What a great gift to see the sun come out yesterday afternoon, and be here again this morning.

This morning, as I walked the drive, I was taken in by the way the sun was hitting the water.
It really did make me think that summer is coming up fast and I had better get out while the getting is good.

There was so much activity on my walk, and it made me think that maybe I need a tape recorder instead of a camera.
The birds were signing songs of pure joy.
I was also listening to the song of frogs as they are gaining their summer voices.

It has finally warmed enough for the flowers that climb on the building to start to open.
Last year this Clematis bloomed the 3rd week of April, here we are into May and the first bud has begun to open.

I have 2 of these and one seemed to have died. I was just a little sad to see it go. Then one day I was surprised to see that 3 vines have come up off the root. I don't think I will get blooms this year from those vines but, they are happy to be climbing up the building on some wire we put out for them.

These yellow flowers are growing along the drive. I don't know what they are but I love a little surprise on my walk.
I find out all they time that we have plenty of native plants here from honeysuckle to wild Azalea.
I wish I was that person who cultivated such things, then again, maybe they are best left alone to pop up where they are most happy.

 Can you stand one more picture of the pond?
Here she is in all her spring clothes.
This is one of my favorite views of the pond.

You will have to come and see this one day for yourself.
Oh, just do it.
Leave your cares behind you and take a drive.
I did on Sunday, but without my camera, so please go over and see the beautiful pictures Tracey took.

 Time for some potting.


  1. How could you ever get tired of that pond? What a piece of heaven! I blinked and missed the sun this morning, Gerry said he saw it on his walk, I'm sitting here at my desk looking at the endless gray sky. We had a great time on Sunday, even if it was December weather in May!

  2. I think the yellow flower could be coreopsis, aka tickseed. They are a sweet, native flower.

  3. Lori's right, it's coreopsis. Your pond is wonderful.

  4. yes, tickseed (coreopsis). LOVE the pond (o;

  5. I never tire of the pond photos!
    I was elated to see the sun yesterday afternoon, then as I headed to Greensboro I drove into torrential rain and a thunderstorm. Glad it's a little brighter out today.

  6. TB- it was great to see you and Wesley on a Cold Sunday!

    tickseed- I need to look that up.

    I am not happy that the sun is hiding right now....

  7. tickseed! not an elegant name for such a sweet item..we have had the most glorious spring, but sadly rain is expected for many days ahead....

  8. Oh, I love that first pond photo! It is raining again, as I type. This too shall pass.


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