Monday, May 13, 2013

Pretty Maids all in a row

 You just can not beat this cool spring weather.

 It is not often that we get to actually enjoy the coolness of spring. Last year was one of those years that danced us right over to the higher temperatures of "early" summer.
In fact by July we were hitting 3 digits.

Part of what I did this weekend was to walk around the farm taking in what was blooming.
I picked these pitchers right out of the spring garden, they were ripe and ready.

 Then I wandered over to check on the Iris to see if they had finally started to bloom.
I have dug up some of these and moved them closer to the house.
I am sure that those will not bloom this year since they will need to establish their roots first.
I find that Iris just take my breathe away with their color.
Pretty girls...

 I have been waiting for the peonies to open. I was checking them everyday and finally one day a bloom.
Then the next day 4 opened, then 4 more opened and then another 4 opened.  I had a dozen open in less than 24 hours.
I have them all over the house in small vases. They smell so good you would think we had been invaded by a perfume company.
 If you have never smelled one you must find one to put your nose in, they are amazing. 
I was also trying out the other camera that we own.
There are times that I think I should be able to figre out how to use it.
It is more complicated than my little point and shoot number.
I just went all over the farm taking pictures on Sunday.
Then when I loaded them up on the computer to look at them I spent the better part of an hour deleting all but about 6.
They were really bad.

It seems there are many things for me to learn about that camera. My little one is much more forgiving.

We have a bisque on to preheat today, pitchers; like the ones up top, are being made, tiles are being rolled, I want some fresh strawberries, clay needs to be picked up and there are many odds and ends to be done.

And, today is our son's birthday
Happy Birthday!

Joel and my Dad at Christmas...


  1. I love how the earth wakes up after winter! Spring flowers are the best~ thanks for sharing :)

  2. peonies, already, wow! I always looooove the red swirl you guys do :)

  3. I agree with Gary...I think the swirl is my favorite. And peonies! My neighbor's just started blooming over the weekend...and now we have a frost warning!

    I need to find a Remedial Photography for Potters class.

  4. Nice pitchers or, er, pictures. No, lets go with the first one.

  5. It has been a great spring.
    Go cut all the flowers that you can.
    Next thing you know it will be hot.
    Thanks for all the kind words.

  6. I was just saying to J that I wouldn't mind several weeks of days like today. At least we'll have another tomorrow. I cut some peonies for a bouquet I gave to my sister yesterday... need to cut some for the house to enjoy.

  7. Beautiful pitchers and flowers. Our Rhododendrons finally bloomed after 4 years of nothing. I suspect it's the rain that's helping them all look great.

  8. I don't know what I'd do if my point and shoot stopped working, it has other settings but the automatic is what I use. Ha. Been years since I grew iris and I do love them, maybe next place.

  9. I am with you on more days like this.
    It's cool but good grief how lovely to have a real spring.
    I love Rhododendrons and there are some blooming at a friends house. It is usually too hot here for them.
    Yes, Linda- next place.

  10. Love that second pitcher! Have a ways to go before my peonies are open but the Japanese Cutleaf Peonies opened while I was away for four days....... Can't believe I missed them! Had a frost here on Saturday night. Cold and windy today, not complaining as it will be easy to stay in the studio! Thanks for the snippet od Spring!!

  11. I love the way the glazes make the same basic form look so individual. I love that red's dramatic, looks terrific on many different shapes!

    Your iris are beautiful. I'm waiting for the yellow flags around the pond to bloom. I planted white flags a week ago so they won't bloom until next year. What I really want are blue flags, but they are illegal to sell in RI, as they are so invasive. The flags are the wild iris that grow on the edges of ponds and swamps.

    What I love about digital photography is the ability to shoot, see and weed. And, like you, I do a lot of weeding.

    Love the picture of your son and your dad. Happy Days!

  12. I think the flowers have been exceptionally pretty this spring and I am enjoying every minute of them... and today will be another day of perfect weather after a chilly start.

  13. PEONIES!!!! I love and miss them. I requested an entire bouquet of pink peonies for my sister's wedding. They were so lovely. The florist tried to sneak in some orchids but I removed them so the peonies could shine alone. They were glorious!

  14. Claudia, what a great story.
    I don't know where peonies have been all my life but, thanks to my sister, who gave this to me, I get to fall in love a little every spring.

    The picture of Joel sitting under the picture of my Dad was something I had to have.

  15. Happy Birthday (belated) to your son! Pitchers and flowers are all lovely.


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