Friday, July 19, 2013

Fridays roll

 Fridays roll around too quick these days.
They love to remind me of another passing week.
We are both in the last stages of throwing for the big kiln.
One bisque fired and another is cooking along today.
These creamers are going on the next load.

Little creamers are so useful.
I always think about who uses these and how they use them.
Not that many folks put cream out these days, maybe milk instead.

I found that these work well for things such as maple syrup. Just warm it up.
Salad dressings.
Summer flowers.

More "creamers".

Mugs are always in the kiln.
You must have coffee with your cream.

 This sweet little poisonous flower just keeps blooming.
There have been as many as 3 or 4 blooms a day.
It is drawing all sorts of friends to it, bees, wasps, butterflies and moths.
We are finally having summer.
Hot, sticky and humid.
It is still a far cry from last years temperatures.
It does make me happy that we have A/C in the work area.
Time for coffee and pot checking.


  1. Yes, those little creamers are very useful and versatile. Nice salad dressing servers as well.

    I'll take a cuppa.

  2. I know that ,like me, You and Mark are too tough to want the cool air in the studio but you tolerate it because it helps the pots dry faster.

  3. I find people like to use them for vases for garden flowers as well. And I just like making them.

  4. I have the sweetest little "creamer" from Paul Jessop and I find that I use it all the time. Put the last of the orange juice in it, or the last of the milk, or some little flowers or herbs for the kitchen. Sometimes it just sits there looking pretty.

  5. like me Tracey- sometimes I just sit there and look...oh, well it was worth a try.
    I do put one out when we have company, sorry leslie you are family...maybe I need to do that for you.
    A/c is good for the pots... :)
    They are great with flowers in them
    thanks for stopping in Nancy.

  6. We are very odd, we use creamers for...dare I say it...cream.

    Every morning we pour a little cream in a creamer, heat it in the microwave for a few seconds, whip it with the Areolatte for a few seconds and pour it on our coffee for a cappuccino. Heaven.

  7. My elder son likes half-and-half in his coffee.

    I have a tiny pitcher that was my mother's. She put little flowers in it.

  8. The mugs look very useful. Cream and coffee, now there's the perfect idea!

  9. I know, pitchers are a favorite with me too :)

  10. this week is glazing week so I hope to have those pitchers out for sale soon.


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