Saturday, August 3, 2013

The kiln

This was a good firing  with just a few seconds tossed in for good measure.

The kiln really does like to be more open on the top and this time we had good height in all three crowns.
We did load a bit differently this time by making the back crown, top shelf, shorter than the front crown.
We usually put the tallest one in the back or middle, then the shortest one in the front. We reversed the order and it worked out very well.

The first look in the kiln.

The door is removed on the front stack, one second spotted right away- a cracked berry bowl.
it happens...

Middle crown shelf.
The three larger pots are all lamp bases, good glazing and firing on these.
They are going to look wonderful in someones home.

I did a poor job on the full shot for the middle, I cut off every one's head....

 The back.

Overall a good firing.
The iron red came out red.
The black was well behaved.
There were a few of the, I could have done that better moments that we all have as potters.
Yesterday was the sanding, sorting, pricing....
emails for orders.
Today, we do it all over again, but add in some packing for shipping.
Then it is on to the next load.


  1. The glaze on those lamps always looks good but these are super.

  2. Love the blacks and that pitcher on the bottom shelf, center.

  3. mmmm exquisite work! of course, a berry bowl with an extra crack is still QUITE useful!

  4. Outstanding! It was great to see y'all while I was there! I was right about the cup... the wife snagged it as soon as I unpacked it! It's her new favorite....

  5. Hey Dennis- this was a really nice group of lamps, thank you.

  6. Thanks Judi! You are pretty amazing as well.

  7. Gary- I know- it has been gifted to a good home.

  8. Robert- nice to know it will be well loved and used.
    Maybe we will see you state side again.

  9. Gail- the black and blue came out very well, thanks!

  10. Oh, poor berry bowl :/
    What a great firing though~ everyone looks beautiful! I'm itching to do a glaze firing too...just need to have more pots, so back to the wheel for a while! Thanks for the incentive!

  11. I get my incentives in the mail.
    They just keep coming!
    Thanks Kathy!


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