Monday, September 2, 2013


We were able to take off over the week-end for some family time with our son and his wife.

Today our plan is to load a kiln and I am back on the pots that need waxing.
I thought I would post some of the planned shelves for you to see, giving you an idea of the variety of pots that fill a shelf.
Each of the boards on the ware-cart is a planned shelf.
You can see that the various shapes and heights.
This helps get some heat around everything.

It also takes out the guess work on loading.
Although, I am known to rearrange if I see that we need to open up an area or close it down a bit.
After all, one should never feel that they can not mix it up even when you think there is a set plan.
My favorite loads are when I get every planned pot in the kiln.
It is like having your cash drawer come out to the penny.
The majority of the time there will be a few of the pots left over.
Those are sat aside to be planned into the next round.
Better get on it,


  1. Just curious = what are the ones on the bottom shelf for? Are they teapots? Or candleholders? I like their shape, just trying to figure out if they have a specific purpose.

  2. Those are their oil lamps. They are very cool.

  3. Thanks M. I think this also illustrates the importance of planning the size of the pots to fit the space.6 1/4 inch pots are very inefficient.

  4. Labor day weekend meant that we had to labor... loaded the kiln Saturday, fired Sunday.
    We just might labor a little less intensely today.
    Good that you got to get away to see your kids!


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