Saturday, September 14, 2013

No, it's not you.

It's me.

Mark and I loaded the kiln and fired this past week and then we made a decision that we would take a mental vacation.
There are so many things that pull us right back to the studio that there are times that I feel we have to put breathing on our list of things to do.

Instead we decided that we would do some much needed things that we all find mundane.
First on the list was a house cleaning.
I know- yawn, but it was clean the house on just give in and let the spiders take over.

Second was bookwork.
Yawn.... double yawn.
But- if these are in order it will make my life easier at tax time.

Third- lunch with Tracey!
No yawns, we had a blast seeing each other and gabbing away and eating at the new eatery in Asheboro that could become my second home.

Now if you have stayed with me here are the pictures of the kiln.




Jars, Meredith

a favorite jar....

Picture with a fancy a** handle
I want to thank the many folks that tell me they still come here to read and look at our work.
We will be back to the wheels next week, but not before Mark and our son have taken many of the fish out of the pond today.

Teach a boy to fish and he will come home and take you with him.



  1. Meredith I love the jars! I still struggle with lids; fit, proportion, WAXING, glazing. Yours always look so good. :)

  2. We ate them for lunch....

    Anna, you, me, had to be, am, more stubborn than I look. Jars are something I have grown to love making.

  3. Your favorite jar is my favorite too. The form, the decoration, the glaze.. I love everything about it!

    It's so easy to let the days, weeks go by without a good distraction. I think it would be a blast to have lunch with you and Tracey. :)

  4. Lunch was GREAT!!!! I love that restaurant, if only it wasn't an hour away from me, I would eat there every week. Love all that blue pottery, my favorite of your glazes. My cruet is used all day, every day, and it is so nice to have around.
    When is our next lunch date? Leave the boys to fish and you and I go eat?!

  5. Come have lunch with us!
    Tb, we will be sharing bread again soon.

  6. I love those jars too! Even prettier in person, if that's possible. I haven't had lunch at The Table yet, but it has already impressed me. As a testament to that gorgeous kiln load, the shaving mugs I brought home yesterday are already flying off the shelf :o)

  7. Laurie, we will have to add wings to them.
    We need to have a table day soon.

  8. Must that time of the year! Breath! Well and clean the house......
    Love the jars!!

  9. Nice load ! We are in "post construction" mode here. Lots of cleaning, organizing and trips to Goodwill.Whew

  10. Beautiful work -- love that 'favorite jar!'

  11. Sometimes you just have to step away from the clay for a few days to get the cob webs cleaned out of your house and your head. I took last week off from making and now I cannot wait to get back into the studio. So many ideas are running around my brain.

  12. Oh! Gorgeous pottery. Hope there are still some left when I get there...or more already made!

  13. Taking a break? GOOD FOR YOU!!! Enjoy :)

  14. Well, I'm behind on blog reading (took a breather myself for a few days - also cleaned the house) but you know I've been drooling over those jars via Facebook. Love, love, love the kiln photos.

  15. Those are some nice jars- that yellow one is still my favorite, but don't tell the others.


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