Friday, November 8, 2013

Fall travels

Leaving the farm in November would have been at one time completely unheard of, but last week we packed a bag and went to Virginia to clear up some family business.

The ride there and back was wonderful with all the fall colors.
Even Norfolk, sitting on the coast of Virginia, has some spectacular trees.

Norfolk has many older neighborhoods that are home to some beautiful trees.
We saw many yellows, reds and brilliant orange.
It was a feast for the eyes.

As we drove back yesterday there was one spectacular area after another.
Fall in all its blazing glory.
It gives me such a feeling a peace.
Fall is the dessert on my plate, to be lingered over, one bite at a time.

Now we are back and it is time to finish getting ready for the show.
We need to finish the booth and get to work on the tiles.
I think it would be good to set up my glazing station with the window that faces the view below.
I can stop and look at the pond as it shows off some color around it.

 This should be your view today, I will share it with you.

  Here are two of my favorite trees in the fall.
 They  play well together showing off their color.

It is a great time for fall color hop in the car and take a ride.

Pictures of tiles coming up next and maybe a pot or two??



  1. wow your pond is so purdy....enjoy m! ill send you some brown pictures soon everything dries out so quickly when the sun hits :))

  2. hey ang- even brown has its place.....hope you are well.

  3. This year the colors seem so much more intense........ Or maybe it's just me noticing. Each morning I can hardly wait to get out the door. Have taken so many pictures this year! Hope your colors stick around, ours are almost gone. I always wonder what Mother Nature had in mind when living through the contrast of winter white and this mornings riot of color.

  4. There's something about looking out at water that is so soothing. Trees together enhance their colors against the green.

    We are winding down our color . Interesting that the trees that look quite dull in bronze and brown sparkle when the sun hits them.

    Enjoy glazing!

  5. Sandy, I really thought we would not have good color this year. I love that mother nature proved me wrong. What a year, again!

  6. smartcat- one day I want to see your fall.....

  7. Oh that pond! You are a lucky girl:-)
    My girl sent me a photo of some delicious looking curry she made yesterday and it was plated beautifully in a Whynot bowl! Same pottery as your photo today, some really nice lady gave it to her

  8. hey TB- that is so sweet! I hope that she is enjoying the bowl.

  9. Your pond looks so beautiful I'm not sure why you'd ever tire of looking at it.

  10. Wow! That's quite a view! Thanks for sharing it with us. I brought home 2 big maple leaves from my trip to MN last week. My husband accuses me of trying to bring MN down here piece by piece. Next trip I'll bring back apples. When you don't get fall, best to bring fall to you if you can!

  11. we once lived in Colorado. I loved it there but missed the trees so much. I was and still am happy to be in a place with fall. I would also have to carry fall home with me.

  12. Pond photo is wonderful. I was impressed with the size of it. I sent the link to your blog to Elma. Hope she can find the blog re: how to load the kiln.


  13. how lovely; what a difference to see all the fall colors around your pond.

  14. Hi gail and Linda.
    Linda- how is your house hunting going?


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