Thursday, November 14, 2013

Next weekend

is the Celebration Of Seagrove Potters a show put on by the local potters .
We all donate works to be auctioned off by either live or silent auction.
Above you will see a tile that I donated to the silent auction.
Now let me ask you, "what is wrong with this picture"?

This is what is wrong with this picture.
So, if you have seen this tile posted upside down and that is the way you want to put it on your wall, then by all means do so.
But, if you are taking pictures of someone work for publicity then please take the time to get the work right, as in right side up.
Good grief......

Here are the pumpkin jars waiting to be picked up.
I put a blue stain in the flower with a bit of a gold rutile in the middle. The leaves did not go as green as I wanted but I think they will be fine.

Or do you like this picture better?

Crisp and cool out there this morning.
It was 29 when we hit the trail this am. I thought, not bad for chilly weather.
The best thing was no wind.
I think that you can walk pretty well an any weather as long as the wind is not whipping.
I am off to finish up more tiles.
I might just have to see what they would look like hung upside down.
or sideways.....


  1. Pumpkin jars...2nd picture works if they just came out of the kiln. I just hate when people screw things up (or down, as the case may be).

  2. JZ once took a grouping of sugars and creamers to a professional art photographer and all the photos were taken with the wrong lids on them... and they obviously didn't go together. It was then that he learned to photograph his own work.

  3. Next time, written instructions. Or a drawing, posted notes.I just thought this group knew the ups and downs of pots.

  4. Somebody had some silly juice for breakfast, haha!
    I agree about that walking in the wind, no thank you!
    Good for you for walking in the cold at all, though, I have been neglecting my walking for all sorts of excuses, you shame me!

  5. Hi Tracey.
    One needs some silly juice, it helps get you through.
    It was not bad this morning.
    We need a day when the busy time slows down.

  6. Hi Meredith...up, down, or sideways, beautiful!!, but, yes, right side up works better..:)..Good sale days to you!. T.

  7. Relying on others for publicity can be a heartbreak. The local monthly newspaper published an article about my studio sale. It was very nice of them to do but they put the dates as Nov 29 AND Dec 1 rather than THROUGH Dec 1. Of course it's too late to get either yours or mine fixed.

    I hope it's a great show for you anyway.

  8. I dreamt about snakes and lizards last night, but I love the one on your tile :)


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