Sunday, December 15, 2013

A box

As I opened up the box the smells inside drifted slowly into my nostrils.
As it hit the brain, I was instantly taken back by the flood of memories it brought on.
The smell was sweet, not over powering, reminding me of  better days.
I smiled as I took a deeper breath.
I looked up and softly called to Mark.
He look at me a little alarmed as I said.
It's your Mom.
Smell this, it's your Mom, it smells like summer, spring, her softness and the hint of lotion she always wore.
I handed the box to him and he buried his nose in.
He took in the smells and smiled.
Yep, it is.

We had spent all day cleaning out our basement office from the years of our own paper work.  We had been tossing, shredding and deciding what should be kept when I found a box that we had brought home last fall from the house in Virginia.
It was a bit of Louise in a box.
It has made me think for days about our lives in boxes. The things we keep, why we keep them and what needs to be done with them.
I enjoyed finding some of her there with me.
I also found parts of my sister Lee, cards, letters written during better days and better time.
I smiled and took them into me as if to feed a part of me that had been lost.

A box, can it be that simple?
That when it is all said and done we are just a passing memory in the boxes of life?
Breathe deep and take it all in.



  1. Oh yeah, I so get this! A smell can transport me to someplace or someone quicker than anything. I am a box person, so many memories tucked in them..... Loved this post, see ya Wednesday!

  2. Thanks for that. And love to you and Mark.


  3. I feel we remain alive as long as someone remembers us. A box of ephemera can bring back many memories.

  4. Thanks Tracey. I'm looking forward to some new memories with you.

  5. Thank you John, love to you and yours.

  6. I made it, I made to the end of the post without crying....
    Anise cookies, Grandma's kitchen,...... I'm going out to make some. I cleaned out the boxes and my life is now on a CD...... I've written so many letters to my kids over the years, they don't know I saved them all. One of these days I will put them all in a book and pass them on......

    We live on through memories.......may they be good and kind.

  7. The teacher in me says smells are the strongest memory triggers.All of me says this is beautifully written and a timely message for a season when we are all missing loved ones who have gone on ahead.

  8. Sandy and Dennis, as we age we know these are the best gifts to receive.

  9. Beautifully written, I can feel your love for Louise through your words.

  10. it has been a week of memories all around.

  11. May this holiday season bring you all many happy and loving memories. Merry Christmas

  12. Sweet. I don't have boxes, I have quilts and quilting tools and furniture to keep my sister and my mother with me andw a folded flag in a case to keep dad.

  13. Funny, the tiniest something can bring back something huge!

  14. Lovely thoughts, Meredith. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Peace and Christmas Blessing to you and your families, Meredith.

  16. Lovely post - we are on the same wavelength .... have just posted about unpacking the Christmas decorations box and all the stories it holds! Happy Christmas! xCathy

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Grrr to the spammer's comment above, on such a wise and beautiful post. I'm breathing it all in....

  19. tell the spammers I am still here.
    You are all so kind. I am coming back soon with a post.


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