Sunday, December 8, 2013

The best bowl for the job

There should be an support group for people addicted to bowls.
You know who you are.
I am and have always been addicted to bowls.
I love tiny ones, small ones, middle size ones and big ones.
If given my choice I will trade in a dinner plate to eat out of a low, shallow bowl.
I have bowls that hold oatmeal, just right.
Bowls that I use for salad and stews, bowls that work best for ice cream and others that I need for.....

Using the right bowl for the job.
Is it deep enough and wide enough for the job?
Or, is it tall enough and narrow enough?

I have many bowls that I can not live without.
These are the bowls that I use all the time. My favorites were made by Mark. Although, I have one that was made by a Greensboro potter and it is the perfect salad bowl for 6 people.

Today I used my favorite big and wide bowl to make granola.
 This one easily holds all the dry and wet ingredients:

Preheat oven to 250 degrees

4 cups of old fashion Oats
1/4 cup roasted and salted Sunflower seeds
1/4 cup of slivered almonds
3/4 cup hand chopped walnuts
3/4 cup hand chopped pecans
( here is the 6 cups of dry I use, you can put whatever you like in your granola, sesame seeds, coconut, peanuts, pistachios, use what you like. If you don't use the roasted salted sunflower seeds toss in about 1/4 tsp. salt)
 At this point you want another bowl to put all your wet ingredients in.
I grab this one.

 It is a bowl made by Mark back in the 80's that has been one of his favorite cereal bowls.
It is just the right bowl for the wet stuff.
You can, and, I have, use a glass measuring cup.

Here is where I want to fill you in on the changes I have made to my recipe this past year.

I tried many oils, vegetable, grape seed, olive oil, a combination of several.
I found that the different oils all have a very dominate flavor.
Then one day I picked up a jar of coconut oil, it changed my life. I now use only coconut oil for making my granola.
 I like to use a 1/4 cup measuring cup for adding the coconut oil and sweeteners to the bowl.
First fill the 1/4 measure with the oil.
It goes in the bowl.
Then it is filled with honey, into the bowl
Then it is filled with maple syrup to just under the 1/4, I then toss in a good TBS of molasses.
All into the bowl.
Then hit the wet with 1 full teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 TBS of good vanilla.
By putting the dried cinnamon in with the wet it stays on the oats and nuts better, ah-ha!
1/4 coconut oil
1/4 honey
1TBS molasses and maple to make a 1/4 cup
1TBS vanilla
1tsp or more cinnamon

After it is all in the bowl I microwave for long enough to start melting the oil.
Then grab a fork or spoon and beat it all well or until it looks shiny and the oil is all melted.

Pour this on top of the dry and mix well.

After it is all mix pour it into a big shallow pan.
Pat it down so it is all one layer.
Here is the routine for baking:
250 for 15 minutes,
take it out stir
15 more minutes.
take it out and add 1 cup dried fruit.
We like 1/2 cup raisins and 1/2 cup dried cranberries, dried cherries are good too.
Add the dried fruit and place back in the oven setting a time for 6 minutes.
Timer goes off and it is done.
Cool and store.

4 cups of old fashion Oats
1/4 cup roasted and salted Sunflower seeds
1/4 cup of slivered almonds
3/4 cup hand chopped walnuts
3/4 cup hand chopped pecans
( here is the 6 cups of dry I use, you can put whatever you like in your granola, sesame seeds, coconut, peanuts, pistachios, use what you like. If you don't use the roasted salted sunflower seeds toss in about 1/4 tsp. salt)
1/4 coconut oil
1/4 honey
1TBS molasses and maple to make a 1/4 cup
1TBS  vanilla
1tsp or more cinnamon
250 for 15 minutes,
take it out stir
15 more minutes.
take it out and add 1 cup dried fruit.
We like 1/2 cup raisins and 1/2 cup dried cranberries, dried cherries are good too.
Add the dried fruit and place back in the oven setting a time for 6 minutes.
Timer goes off and it is done.

This is going to be on my Christmas baking list for gifts.


  1. Lord have mercy!
    Let me in the kitchen, what am I doing sittinng here in this cold studio with a recipe like this!

  2. My kids would always say, "Goody, bowl dinner!" if I served something goopy in a bowl. So now I call all sorts of things Bowl Dinner. I love bowls too.

  3. I am now drooling over the bowls and the oatmeal!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. The granola sounds and looks delicious... may have to try your recipe. Another bowl lover here.

  5. I am incredibly picky about what size bowl goes with what type of food. It just doesn't feel right otherwise.

  6. it is good to see that I am not alone in my quest and addiction to all things bowl.
    We all need some goody, bowl dinners, winter is here.

  7. Guilty! I have what many would say is far too many bowls.....and mugs. (Some are my own because only through using can I figure out what works....most are made by others.) There is something joyful in eating from a bowl made by a friend.

  8. Coconut oil is a great idea. I'll try that for my next batch. I am a total bowl addict. Good thing I have friends (enablers!) who are potters!


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