Monday, January 13, 2014

If a tree falls.

 There have been some winds blowing through the area since December. We were able to escape from the winds on Saturday that blew through here very quickly. I can not remember tornado warnings being issued in December before. We listened as the warnings ran county by county until they were gone.
They left downed trees and widespread destruction.
This tree fell away from the house.

Now, if the old wives tales hold true we should see some snow coming in the next 10 days.

   The sun is shinning today as we working in the studio.
I always laugh at how hard it is to go work when there is snow on the ground and harder still to work when there is warm sun shinning.
That sun can be so intoxicating to us.
 We are both weather junkies and watch in amazement as the winter drops the cold, wet, ice, snow and all on many parts of the country.
The next round is coming soon.
We are soggy from the rain and I hope we can dry out more before the next round.

I walked up to get the mail today it was just too nice a day not to get a walk in.

The shot below is the reason I call the south my home.
Sure we get some winter weather but then there are the days like today.
How can you beat this.

I am heading back to the studio and finish some work.


  1. Just got in from a long walk -- mid fifties! But more rain and then snow on Wednesday. I have never heard the old wives tale about storms followed by snow . . . curiouser.
    Glad that tree fell away from the house.
    Your gallery looks gorgeous -- and that lake view - wow

  2. Hi Judy- This is amazing weather. Yes, they say if you have thunderstorms that within 10 days snow.... oh, well we have to have some winter.

  3. I love the blue sky warmish days in the Winter too! Ice on Friday (with sad results at our house) but blue sky and 50s today so that Layla and I were able to get in one of her old lady walks. Wonderful. (As is your gallery space!)

  4. we drove over the mountain to Blairsville today and saw lots of trees uprooted and knocked down some cracked in the middle and fell with the recent heavy winds.

  5. Ohio shifted from cold and wet to warmer and wet but the cold is returning in a few days. I just hope we don't get more subzero stuff.

  6. HI CT- it is a beautiful view. Stop in and see it one day!

  7. I know we are all ready for winter, but this is a crazy one for sure.

    Linda! I hope Ga. is good to you.

  8. I just blog posted the same point, about how happy nice winter weather makes you :) I LOVE seeing your showroom, esp. all the sweet tiles!

  9. Good thing that tree fell in the direction it did and didn't do any damage.

    The warm weather feels so much better than normal since it's come after the brutal cold.

  10. What crazy weather everywhere. I left my poor fruit trees covered here last week (my husband got to undo the 45 clothespins and dozens of bedsheets) to go to MN where it was -20. By the time I left MN on Sunday it was up in the 30s and 80 back home in Florida. Different weather, different day. Glad that tree fell away from your place!

  11. It is crazy and not over yet- I am watching as the sun comes out now. We are just soggy with rain...

  12. Thank the good lord for the South! and for ponds and sunny days

  13. Yes! the sun is out right now!! I worked in the fog and now a break!


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