Saturday, January 4, 2014

Late to the party

I feel a little late to the party, but Happy New Year!
Woot,woot and all that jazz.
We had a great Holiday with family and friends.
We were able to see more family than we had thought possible in one trip.
Kids, kids in law, grand-child, grand-dog, niece, nephews, grand-niece, mother, cousins.
I could feel the love and by the ringing in of the new year I was rung out.

 We are also working on what I hope is the (almost) last cleaning of the house in Virginia and doing some repairs.
The floor in the laundry room had rotted out under the hot water heater and the hook-up to the washer.
The leak was fixed, floor has been replace, tile put down, paint and hot water was on the day before we headed home. ( happy dance here)
I can tell you that house camping with no hot water is not my idea of fun.
And, I can tell you that no matter how hot boiling water is it will not cook 3 minute noodles, it just will not.
That was the 26 cent experiment.

Next- the half bath soon to be painted, tiled and new fixtures put in.

 Most of the rooms in the house will just need a good coat of paint.
But- you see what I am playing with.
The kitchen.
It is in real need.....

After the weekend we are heading back to the studio with visions of new cabinets dancing in our heads.
I hope you all had a great holiday.
Stay warm, dry and take a hot shower when you can.


  1. "house camping!" So true!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Considering the weather we have coming, that last bit of advice will come in handy.Best of luck with the rehab.

  3. Don't you hate cleaning up other people's messes? You are to be admired for taking on such a job. Yeah, I know, it's the old there's nobody but us chickens to do the job.......but still! I hope it gets done in good time without too much angst!

    Twelfth Night is raise a glass to the season!

  4. cheers to all- I am working on getting caught up on net flicks and I am raising my feet along with that glass.

  5. A hot shower is a blessed thing. Happy New Year, friend!

  6. Better late than never, it sounds like you've been very busy. Happy New Year

  7. New projects for the new year ~ I hope they are all good for you in 2014!!

  8. However did I miss this post? Happy New Year! The house looks great! What a project! My knees hurt just looking at that dura rock subfloor :)

    Oh for a hot shower, warm bed and cup of soup on a cold night........ My kingdom for sure :)

    Soft clay, hot kilns and great pots in 2014!

  9. Hi, thanks all. We are working our way back to clay. Picking some paint colors first...


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