Saturday, November 15, 2008

Feed Me!

We have been feeding this kiln since 1986. It has become the hungry kiln and can eat up lots of pots.
In our plans for the summer we were to finish building a smaller kiln to replace this kiln. Something we could fire small loads in and do some glaze experiments.
We are going to fire this kiln tomorrow and that will be the last kiln of pots for us this year.

We are going to take the end of November and possibly all of December to;
1. finish the rebuilt work studio.
2. build the smaller kiln.
3. possibly take this kiln down and rebuilt it smaller.
4. last but not least- spend some time with our families, having a drink or two, talk about the wedding coming up for next year and just breath.

Time for a break- it has been "one of those years......."

But- meanwhile come see us and all of the potters participating in the Celebration of Seagrove Potters.

It should be a great time.
Many kilns are being fired and there is a pot there for you!
I know you will need to take something home with you!

And- the NCPC will be open with no admission all weekend.
Stop in and see what is going on there while you are in the neighborhood.


Annapants! said...

i still want this tile...

Shortstuff said...

This one's interesting, but I have a hankering for some of your chickens. They're super funky! HUGS

cookingwithgas said...

Thanks you all!
The tiles have been selling-
I'll have to make more in Jan.