Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy birthday Joel

I was washing dishes one day and looking out at the pond.
As I was day dreaming I saw our daughter running after this large gray barrel, which was bouncing off trees and heading straight for the pond.
It finally hit a tree and stayed put.
As I watched she unscrewed the lid and out pops her brother, our oldest child.
They were laughing and rolling on the ground and the next thing I heard was,"let's do it again!"
Hummmmm- when do you step in and say no.
I just let them roll it up the hill and put each other inside and roll it down the hill.
This became a favorite game.
Our oldest loved anything fast.
By the time he was three the side boards were off the little red wagon and he would pull it over to the top of the hill and jump on.
Again , the pond is off to the right at the bottom of the hill.
Raising kids is not for the weak.
There are moments you have to make major decisions.
When to say no and when to let go.
I wanted my kids to be kids.
They spent more time outside with the pigs and goats, frogs, toads, lizards, fish and yes, even snakes.
( good trick getting your sister to hold the jar...while you herded the snake in...)

Raising my two was fun.
Plain and simple it was fun and I would do it again!

Last year you married a great girl.
Enjoy your life- take off the side boards and have some fun!

Happy Birthday- I love you.

and Dad!


Tracey Broome said...

Very handsome men folk ya got there! But that girl? She has trouble all over that cute little face. Raising kids is certainly not for the weak if you raise them right. Kids gotta be kids. I love the barrel story :)
Wesley had a lot of similar adventures with her friends growing u[.

Tracey Broome said...

up, sorry.
Almost forgot, Happy Birthday Joel!!

Laurie said...

Ha! What a great story! Fun with a barrel!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday joel... that barrel story reminds me of the niagra falls museum where they have all the crazy things people drifted over the falls on or in (a barrel was one of them). meredith... i'm with you on that let the kids be kids, it's difficult to not jump in but i think they're more resilient than parents think.

Mr. Young said...

That's like our kids jumping off the roof of the house during a typhoon with 180 mph winds. They wanted to see if the wind would carry them a ways before touching the ground!

Linda Starr said...

Happy Birthday Joel; what fun rolling in a barrel, reminds me of a sled ride I took down dead man's hill with my brother steering and my sister and me on the back, we ran smack dab into a metal clothes line pole. Ugh.

cookingwithgas said...

Thanks for the wishes for our kid!
Yes- Tracy they are both full of mischief!

I love all your stories- but MR Young! that one omg!