Monday, December 20, 2010

2 days and counting

sent me a smile award yesterday and it does make you think about the pleasure you can get from reading people's blogs. Making one person smile in a day can go a long way.
There are many different reasons I read someone's blog.
I read some for the thoughtful way they share their information and thier lives.
I read others purely for that smile or laugh out loud moments.
We all need more of the smile and laughter so here goes some of mine.

Drum roll please....
The first person who made me laugh out loud and just enjoy his out look at life was Gary Rith
The other that always has a good story and makes me laugh would be Jim Gottuso
 You have to read both of these blogs and I am sure you will find something to smile about.

Then there is Julia over at Henhouse Pottery.
and who could not start their day with out a bit from  Tracey!
(tell us what you really think Tracey!)
So for all of you - you make my day in some way or another- otherwise I would not be here spending my time reading your bogs and picking up lots of information and many, many smiles.

Now about the Etsy shop.
It has been a learning curve and I think I am getting the hang of how best to handle the time to list and get things up and out. I will continue to put energy into it in the coming year.

Two days is all you have left before we draw out 5 names for the generosity chain.
Get your name in!
I am pleased with the interest and curious to see it plays out for me and forward to the next crew.

We have just about decided to fire the kiln after the holidays.
There are just so many little details left to put in place this week.
We have order a new electric kiln.
And wait its arrival.
There are more presents to wrap.
I am heading off tomorrow to check out doing 4 tile murals for a friend's business.
And always- always- finishing up that bookwork!
It would be nice to have it done before the new year.
Cheers and don't forget the lunar eclipse!


Tracey Broome said...

Hey, thanks for the mention! So glad to be able to make people smile, it's so much easier than frowning all the time! I'm glad folks are laughing with me instead of at me though hahaha!!

Linda Starr said...

A big smile goes along way these days, doesn't it. don't work too hard at all that bookwork, one of my least favorite things to do in life, paper work.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

HOLY CATS, Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Smooch Meredith :)