Sunday, August 28, 2011


This spring I planted the parsley over by the studio instead if near the house. I was worried that it would not be discovered by my green friends who eat it up and then spin themselves into a cocoon and come out as butterflies.
I like parsley well enough but I like butterflies better.
Next year I may even plant more.

There were at least 9 on the plant and they pretty much ate it all in 3 days.
Well, 3 days that I know of. It was interested to see them get bigger and bigger and bigger. Today I am going to see if they are still there and if there is any spinning going on.

and finally- after waiting, watching and cussing, giving up and deciding to just tear all the plants out -green beans and they are so tasty!
A treat for late summer

Now off to see how the family is in Virginia.
Mark looked at pictures this morning of a man near downtown walking in waist deep water. Which is the area my mother lives in.
Fingers crossed.


Linda Starr said...

What kind of butterflies do they make?

Linda Starr said...

I hope your mom and everyone is ok in Virginia and elsewhere, I hit the return button by accident. I lived in Norfolk in kindergarten and the first grade.

Anna M. Branner said...

I had about 7 of these guys on my parsely too! Black swallowtails I think (thank you google) but one morning they were all gone. I'm disappointed.

Lori Buff said...

They also love fennel and Rue (which keeps witches away so it's dual purpose). Don't worry about not seeing them right now, I'll bet you have butterflies soon.

Quietly Otaku said...

wow thats one big caterpillar! I dont mind beasties so long as they dont eat my vegetables : )