Friday, June 15, 2012

Beep, Beep, Beep

We are in that mode where you just get up and check the list pick some pots that need to be made and get spinning.
It is one of my favorite things about being a studio potter.
I can stand at my wheel throwing and in the background I hear Mark doing the same thing.
I hear his wheel turning, the movement of water, then the air is full of those studio sounds that only potters understand.
The thwack as the ball of clay hits the wheel head.
The whirl of the motor as you center.
The contented sound  as the motor slows while a pot is being made, the wheel stops... the pots comes off and is shelved and then thwack, another pots being made.
I know that many potters post video of them working and I love watching them work, but there is something so deep in my soul on the sounds that are being made in the studio.
Maybe it is the same when you hear bees buzzing, a sound of contentment.
Nothing to see just going about our day.... 

The last few days there is some work going on in the neighborhood and we get the beep,beep,beep of a trucks backing up. It is so foreign to my brain that my brain wants to response- beep, beep, beep.
It becomes a back ground noise that the brain wants to swat away like a fly.
 The sounds carries through the stillness of the day on the wind.
Beep, beep, beep , thwack, whirl, beep,beep,beep, thwack, a dance tune.

 What are we making?
Beer mugs/steins for Four Saints Brewery
Here is a sample:
 Cruets for me.
I had swore them off after loosing two rounds to the glaze running too much, but- but I am back, kick me now...I had good luck with the teapots so maybe..maybe.
 And for Julia- pumpkin jars, not crocks, jars.
These are not real big, but are great for many things.
I have a customer that loves to give them to family and friend's daughters who are graduating from high school.
A bit back I did a step by step on this closed form.
They came to me one day while watching Martha, you know which Martha, cut a squash to use for dip.
I thought why not make a pot you could use and it would not rot. And, the great thing about pottery, you could use it for so many other things. Multipurpose I love you!
So they are thrown, then stamped or carved on the top, then cut.

Wee pumpkin jars.
I know I Started making these about 20 years ago- yikes! Where did that time go??

 What's on the wheel for today?
Spouts and handles, and going to carve me some pumpkin jars.
How about you?
Oh, and maybe go beer tasting....


  1. What a beautiful, familiar narrative!

  2. Bowls and maybe a pitcher or two.I need a couple more tall pieces in this load. Ahh, the whirl of the wheel, the thwack of the clay, only broken by the cursing of the potter when things go amiss.

  3. No pots for me today. We've got the home inspection for our soon to be new old house!

  4. If one of those cruets had that beautiful blue ash glaze on it I might want one for my olive oil :)
    I love those studio sounds too. Some days I like to leave the music off and just listen to nature. Other days, walking in to my studio and turning on the voice of Diane Rehm on NPR is a comfort. Next time I visit I'll beep beep my horn, haha!
    ok, these blurred number photos on blogger verification are driving me mad!

  5. i too love the subtle sounds of working in the pottery... sometimes Jeff and I hardly say two words to each other when we are both working at the wheel.
    when i bought a shimpo whisper it was hard to get used to it's quietness.

    and those little pumpkin jars are so sweet!

  6. You add poetry to our work. Sometimes I do leave the radio off just to listen to the sounds of the studio.
    Today is decorating day, I'm putting terra sig on some pots and carving them for a raku firing.

  7. Dennis- the cursing happens too- but don't tell!

  8. TB- I make them in the blue we will have to talk.

  9. Hi Anna- best of luck with your house.

  10. Lori- some days all you need are the voices in your head.

  11. Love the description of the studio sounds!

  12. Just loved the audio description of the studio! And so enjoyed spending time there this week, getting to hear it all. Both peaceful and fun, hanging out with you two.

  13. Save me one of those blues, I'm getting tired of my olive oil being in a less than creative container :)

  14. Hi PG and Laurie!
    Laurie it was great to have you there.

    TB- I made 4 this week- I can let you pick when they come out of the kiln.


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