Thursday, August 23, 2012

A day in the life, late summer

We got the good news that the rest of this week was going to run in the mid 80's
This is like no August I can remember.
Cool nights, cool mornings, just a tad uncomfortable by 2 pm.

I'll take it.

On Monday I was pulling up some dill from the front garden and just as I went to toss the stuff away I spotted  two friends that I had not seen.
I took the dill over to a patch of Parsley that we were thinking of pulling out since it had gone to seed and placed the dill in along with my two friends.
Well, they are happy as a bug in a rug just getting bigger everyday and eating all the parsley nibbles they can find.
I think another day or so and they will go into stage two of their cycle and with a little luck I hope to see if I can watch them. I have decided if I never get any fresh parsley any more I will keep growing it for the butterflies. They are busy flying all over the yard .

We are finished making the pots for Henry, the big gas kiln, and
starting tomorrow we will be glazing.

 I had thought I could catch Mark working on these, but I was down in the kiln room waxing pots while he was working on these.
Then after waxing I used up some clay that need throwing.
I made some bottles and wee plates to go along with cruets.

I am going upstairs to throw open some windows.
This is good sleeping weather, as long as I don't dream about those dogs trying to get in the house again and take away the piles of beef I had in a pan that I was trying to keep them from eating. I woke myself up yelling, get out, get out,get out.... to those dogs while I was trying to get them out of the house.
Where did that dream come from...???
The dogs are at the door....



  1. Our butterfly bushes have had the most butterflies I have ever seen this year. Of course the bushes are now about 10 feet tall, so the butterflies can't miss them, haha! Those green suckers can do some crazy damage, but they are so pretty.

  2. The black swallowtail caterpillars love the parsley! Have you been able to observe the entire cycle from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly?

  3. We planted fennel a few years ago but never get to eat it since we are letting the butterflies have it. They also love Rue.
    Nice bottles, I live the lines on them.

  4. Nature is amazing - look at the colors on that caterpillar - how would you notice him on the leaves!

    I have lots of butterflies in my yard this year too and we are also having an amazingly cool August.

    Beautiful clay work - yours and Marks!

    Don't let those dogs in your kitchen! lol

  5. HI TB- I have a big, way out of control, needs cutting butterfly bush as well. It draws them in but I placed it too far away to enjoy it.

  6. Jim- yes I have and I want to see it again.

  7. Lori- that would be my only reason to grow fennel. I may have to put some in.

  8. Judy- those dogs....!
    I know about this weather- loving it.

  9. The weather feels more like September than August. I have felt for a few years that Mother Nature was messing with the seasons and shifting things a bit. Believe me, I'm not complaining that it's under 90 degrees. Temps in the high 70's/low 80's are my idea of perfection.

  10. I am with you on that Les- love this weather.

  11. I wish I'd watched you make some lobed vessels when I was down there. Those are quite lovely.

  12. thanks John- next time you are here music and clay!

  13. Your all the collection was looking so eye-catching but The black swallowtail caterpillars love the parsley!!!!!
    buy and sell


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