Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oh those summer nights.

Night before I last I had to walk over to check pots and as I walked out the door I was blown away by the sky.
 I could not remember the last time I saw such color.
This is just a taste of what I saw.
Then last night Mark comes in to tell me that Mrs. Spider has laid her eggs and is now not as fat as she was. Like a tire going flat.
I know you wanted to see what was going on.

The eggs.
Plus, there was another great sky going on .
I don't know if this has anything to do with storms that could be coming, but wow, just wow.
(far out...)

Mark is out there glazing right now and I need to go join him for our glazing fest we have going on here.
Here is a good start on a bottle he made.

And what is happening with my future butterflies?
I am watching and they are now resting, that means soon they will go into stage 2.
I really want to see if I can catch them changing.

I was able to get a few shots of them.
Future butterfly 1

and number 2
Lunch and then work.
Enjoy this fabulous day.


  1. We were coming home from Winston Salem yesterday and saw that sky, only there was a double and complete rainbow on 15/501!!! It was amazing. I also removed a bunch of those egg sacks from my studio last week, ick!

  2. Oh that sunset is spectacular, baby garden spiders are good to have and I hope you get shots of the eggs and baby butterflies or catapillars.

  3. as often as I see those swallowtail butterflies around my garden, I seldom find these lovely caterpillars anymore. We used to see them all over our fennel. Lately though, I wonder if the birds are snacking on them. Love that coloration!

  4. We've had rain all day, so no beautiful sunsets for us. I'm hoping it will be nicer tomorrow. I really wanted to get out and work in the yard. The weeds are taking over.

  5. those swallow tail caterpillars are so striking. I love the colors too.
    I cringe to think I use to think these were just garden pest- no more, they can have it all.


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