Monday, August 27, 2012

This is not my August

What a week this past week has been with the best weather.
 These are not our dog days of August but we would like to thank who ever provided them for us.

We started out the day with a apple picking over at Jeff and Michèle's place, which is just around the corner from us. While they were sleeping we filled two 5 gallon buckets full of apples. The plan this year was to peel, core, slice and dry. We have some really great dried apples to munch on now.

On the drive over there we thought that today would also be a great day to float on the pond late in the afternoon.

We grabbed a beer and went out.
Mark grabbed 2 fishing poles and I grabbed the camera.
There were these nice clouds just following us around.

The great fisher man and that hat!
Sexy huh?

The water for the most part, when we were not moving it along, was so calm.
I really like the reflections in the water that the trees and clouds provide.

No real fish were caught on our outing, but we did catch some down time and just floating and relaxing.
It seems we do not get enough time to go out on this pond of ours.
We are either working or it is too hot this time of year.
Then fall we get to busy.

I think I will juts have to put in another day like this soon!
 It would be good for the soul.
Work is waiting that kiln will not glaze and fire its self.

Oh, just one more.....


  1. Hope you got away from Jeff and Michele's before they woke up and caught you!

  2. I kind of want to jump in that lake. It's so pretty! :)

  3. I'm afraid if I had that pond there would be a lot more floating than work getting done. I used to love to go out in our canoe and just float along the river. I need to be near water more!!! So glad to see you guys knowing what the really important things in life truly are!

  4. I wish our pond was as large as yours. We love pedaling around ours and feeding the fish.

  5. Dennis- i had to tell them later we were there! Not a good thief if you tell on your self.

  6. Becky- we use to swim in there but not in years- yesterday i was tempted to dive in.

  7. TB- water does something for me so I know what you mean. You should come float here one day soon.

  8. J- dynamic would enlarge your pond...get Wes on that.

  9. If you could custom make the perfect weather that's what we had last week in Penland. I'm glad to see that you all were enjoying it in the best ways possible.

  10. I feel more relaxed just looking at your photos of your lovely day fishing. Thanks for sharing some of your nice summer...

  11. That's my kind of reflecting pond...

  12. I am glad to share it is and was a nice place to be.

  13. loving this weather here too! perfect for making pottery- or not....

  14. I love it when water is so still it's like a mirror, good to grab these days when they come by with autumn round the corner!

  15. Looks like a perfect day....with pots yet!

  16. Judi- I have a dhyrerator - we also have a thing that cores, peels and slices the apples, which is a great time saver.


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