Thursday, October 4, 2012

Counting down and getting ready

 I thought I would post up some of the pots ready for the Open house on the 13th.
These pots are stamped 30th year, 2012, Whynot Pottery, Whynot NC and either have an initial stamp or the first name of the maker.

We wanted to have a variety of works and price ranges so I made some bowls.

Mark decided we should both make some small pots for us to give away.
First one to show and tell us they read the blog or follow us on FB can have their pick.
After that they will be given away with a purchase over 75.00.

I have been making brownies the past two days. Just getting a batch in between what else is going on.
They freeze great and will be ready for the open house.
Next up sesame seed cookies.
Then I am trying to think what else I want to make. I need something that will go with the beer.
I am thinking some cheese and crackers, nuts, pretzels....
Also, plan on bringing a lawn chair if you would like to hang and talk with Joel and Andrew about beer making.

9 days.....


  1. It's not about winning a pot.....just want you to know that yours was the first blog I read, and commented on quite a while before I began my own.

    Toes crossed for a successful week end.......and brownies!

  2. Thanks Smartcat- now send me your address.

  3. HOLY Cats I love the wee little black and brown vase up top :)

  4. Sounds like a fabulous weekend! The little pot giveaway is a great idea. Wishing you and Mark a successful weekend.

  5. I follow you on Facebook and read the blog;-) You're going to have a fabulous show.

  6. Follow you folks in Facebook and will be there. Best wishes.


Thanks for joining in we love to have a conversation going, but be nice.