Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Take 2 asprin

and call me in the morning.
This is a terrible time to feel that not quite your self thing.
I am having some hot tea to see where I feel after that.
What I would really like is a day of nothing, but, somehow, that is just not going to happen.
 So without any more whining we move on.

 On Sunday we were invited to set up pots at a sheep farm about 40 minutes from where we live.
It was a simple 11-4 day. In my mind all shows should start at 11 and end at 4, really, most serious buyers and in and out by then.

On Saturday evening it rained buckets and I was afraid that we would see the same on Sunday. If it did rain I was staying home. Shows outside in the rain are no fun.
Lucky the skies cleared and it was a beautiful day.

This show was interesting as it was more about the animals and fiber than anything else.
But, we planned for the crowd by taking only two table's worth of pots and keeping the prices to a mid to low range.
I think that worked for us, we were happy with the day.
Plus, the crowd was so nice, as were the fiber vendors and the folks who put the show on.
We scarfed down some good eats and over indulged in homemade ice cream.

All in all- a good day.

 This animal was so sweet to let all these folks pet her.
 I was amazed.

I had more fun watching the kids run around, sit on hay bales, listen to music and this one climbed in and out and in and out of the flower bed. She will be a future farmer maybe?

We did unload the small kiln and found that we have about one shelf of pots to fire again.
Most of them came out fine and some of them very good.
We are planning to email for some advice as soon as we shake off the cobwebs from the week-end.
We also took a order for 80 mugs so pots have to be made for a firing soon after our open house.

See why this head thing can not get the attention it would like?
Yes, no rest for the wicked.



  1. It's not like Mark has nothing to do but maybe if he prepped the clay you could throw the mugs.That would be better than you missing a day altogether. The best plan is feel better now!

  2. Dang, wish I could have come to this fiber thing. Looks like fun!
    Don't you know there is no such word as "sick" when you are self employed? :)
    Feel better, the rain and change of seasons is doing wonderful things to my head, so I fell ya! Yes to tea, but a little shot of bourbon might just do the trick too, haha!

  3. Fiber people are generally very nice. :)

    Hope your icky feeling does not stay and you are feeling better very soon!

  4. glad to hear your firing was better than anticipated. I completely agree with you about 11 - 4... we used to help organize a potters market and some wanted to start at 9am. Thankfully jeff made the comment that this wasn't a yard sale... we voted to start at 10 :-)
    Sometimes those easy shows are the best, even if you don't have great sales you spent the day in a beautiful spot.

  5. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Tea, vitamin C, bourbon...you know what you need.
    The show sounds like a lot of fun, you're right about the hours, I won't do a 4 hour or less show but I don't want to be there from dawn until after dark either.

  6. Oh, I am so jealous! You know how I love sheep! :)

    Thank you for sharing your lovely photos, so I could enjoy second-hand.

    I hope your head gets back to feeling like itself soon.

  7. Dennis- I had tea in the most perfect cup for tea....2 bags with room for honey. It was so soothing. Mark did prep clay but is was too stiff for me. I have some soaking now- for the old lady potter.

  8. TB- I should have told you about it-next time I will- you would have had a ball talking and buying too much yarn. Next time!!!

  9. I thought it was a perfect show time and you are right Anna- fiber folks are so nice.
    MH- it was a pretty place, I took you there once.
    Lori- hot tea and C is the way to go.
    Julia- wish you had been there- this was so much better than a street show.

  10. I am sorry to hear you are living through what I call Autumn Crud....generally makes you fell lousy, but not so lousy that you can only survive but falling into bed. Good tea with honey lemon and your favorite booze, plus lots of vitamin C and a lemon or lime sherbet in ginger ale if you get thirsty.

    Sunday sounds like an enjoyable day......great photos Love the sheep!

  11. I love that so many of your friends here recommend a shot of bourbon. My kind of people! Hope you're feeling better.

    As much as I love pottery and art fairs, I'm pretty sure I would have spent the ENTIRE day petting that llama!

  12. hey M what a wkd sounds like the right pace really!!! hope you're head's ok otherwise a nap is in order :P and seriously none of that hard clay stuff nice and soft thanks way easier on ya hands :D

  13. Glad it sounds like both the show and the firing were good. I hope you're feeling better by now.


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