Friday, November 30, 2012

It's Friday!- or fried day...

It's Friday?
It's Friday.
I spent all day thinking it was Monday.
Why Monday?
When you go away and start your work week on a Friday it sure the heck feels like a Monday.

So today was the real deal.
Pots were made in the studio, really I promise.
We are planning for a firing the first of January since we have after Christmas orders.
The Christmas orders are done and being picked up or shipped at this point.
This gives us some time to start thinking about next year.
I know, I know, we are not done with December and Christmas but we are on to next years pots at this stage.

CLEAN Studio...

So clean you could eat off the floor...not really just very clean.
The store is still well stock with many items for the shoppers who are coming in, emailing and calling for items.
We have our shipping department all set up and ready to go.

These have been requested as possibilities for a customer.....shhh don't tell.

I am also trying to get myself out walking again while there is good weather. The next few days are going up to the 60's and I see no excuse not to at least walk the driveway from the house to the mailbox and back again.
Plus the morning sun on the pond is very nice.

and you can see that Jack frost has been doing his job.

Now, since this is my Monday is tomorrow Tuesday?


  1. Your studio is pristine...gadzooks! Send it in to MudColony Studios, they'd get such a kick out of it!

  2. I love a tidy studio! Motivates me to make it dirty again. :)

  3. I am glad I am not alone. The holiday last week messed me up... I was reminding Jeff to put the trash barrel out to the road, when he said, "It's only Wednesday!".

    The clean studio looks great!

  4. That tall blue vase is one of the prettiest things I think I have seen come out of your kiln. Just beautiful. Man, you serious hard working potters put me to shame!

  5. we are working on getting that bad boy dirty again.

    I always forget to post up somewhere else...

    Okay gang- who has the spell check?
    I am not calling this fried-day!

  6. I still need spell check- I think I am fried!

  7. i reckon you could lap that pond meredith, ahh your gorgeous pots, what a sight, mmmmm..


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