Tuesday, November 27, 2012

There are really good reasons to run away

from home.

After cleaning out all the trolls from the blog it was time for Mark and me to take a quick trip to Virginia to check up on family.

Of course that means some time with the Grand child.

We had a tickle good time.

For now I am leaving the word verification in place.

The trolls under the bridge were big, hairy and ugly.
Back to work soon,


  1. Lord have mercy, look at that sweet thing!?!?!?! you certainly have lots to be thankful for!

  2. why did I put question marks there with the exclamation marks? I have no idea, haha!
    maybe so I could figure out two word verifications ha!

  3. thanks TB- it was so much fun!!???!!!
    Good luck with your weekend show i hope it is a knock out of sales.

  4. You have an absolutely gorgeous grand baby! :)

    Those trolls sure can be nasty. And word verification can be interesting. I get some odd words sometimes!

  5. Tickles are better than trolls! Lovely to see smiling faces, it gladdens the heart.

  6. Look at that sweet girl. Sorry I missed some hugs.

    Sorry about the trolls. Cretins.

  7. I can't figure out what the folks are getting out of those types of comments.

    So nice you are close enough to visit and see your granddaughter growing up, she has to be the happiest child I've ever seen in photos.

  8. trolls???? NO! this captcha thing can, sadly, be a little hard to read

  9. the spam is a pain and if I can figure another way I will.
    meanwhile tickles all around!

  10. She is certainly a cutie-pie!
    Good luck with the trolls! Like Linda, I fail to see their point. Proge says they are mostly teen-age boys with far too much time on their hands!

  11. What a cutie. She does look like a good reason to run away from home and the trolls.

  12. oh she is just adorable, I absolutely love all that hair she has!

    as for the trolls... I don't get how blogger defines it's spam... I have found real readers comments in the spam box in the recent past, but it can't identify the real thing?

  13. Sweet photos of you two! Dang trolls!

  14. If you have the option of adding plug ins to your blog, try the askimet spam filter. Works like a charm for me.

    Great photos! Such a cutie (well, both of you) and that hair is awesome!

  15. SC- I think it is a 9 year old with too much time on his hands.
    I should keep a closer eye but I just happen to find them when i was looking for a past post.

  16. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Got to watch out for those blog trolls :o

  17. Looks just wonderful. Brought tears to my eyes.
    I am so very much looking forward to becoming Auntie Hannah on about 8 weeks, I want to be smiled at like that.


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