Monday, December 10, 2012


 I was playing with this salt pig right before the last kiln load. I threw a form much like my pumpkin jars  with a knob on the top. I cut out a hole, using some of the cut out clay to make a banner on the bottom to write the word SALT.
I am not one for telling anyone what to do with or put in my pottery but this one seems an exception.
 I placed a wooden spoon inside since it is not big enough for your hand to fit in.

 I like the spoon thing and like not putting my hand in since I don't cook for just me.
I am looking for small wooden spoons to place in the salt pigs.
I have a few of my own that I really like.
 Salt also makes a great way to clean the greens before freezing.
I find that all those wee bugs that love greens as much as I do will drop off if I add salt to the water when I am cleaning them.
There there is no ugh factor when you steam them to find all these wee creatures in the bottom of the pan.
This works great with broccoli as well .

And, how could you have bread without salt?

I Hope you have a lovely Monday.
Be just a little sassy and salty...


  1. one more alteration and you have a birdhouse! I keep my salt in a jar from McKenzie Smith, I love having salt in a pottery container, these are great, and yes you do have to tell people what to use things for, they just don't know.....

  2. I need to get going....I'm embarrassed to tell how I keep my salt.
    I get so annoyed with people who act like a pinch of salt is a death ray from outer space.
    Those are some nice looking loaves!

  3. For some reason, I'm thinking about how a couple of letters can totally change a phrase. The salt of the earth and they salted the earth are so close in spelling but so different in meaning.

  4. Very sweet. I made some salt pigs that look like pigs, curly tail and all but some folks want to use them for sponge or soap holders. Who are we to argue?

  5. Lovely salt pig but your bread looks amazing! What's your secret?

  6. TB- totally- I did think of them as wee birdhouses! haha
    smartcat- tell us where your salt is....

  7. Dennis- it is all in the letters isn't it?

  8. Lori- whatever they want to use them for works for me.
    little wren this bread is a recipe from smartcat- see above- goggle her blog for the Cuban bread- it is so good.

  9. that bread is looks so good and it keeps appearing on the blogs I read... I really need to make some soon.

  10. do you have any salt pigs for sale I have been looking for one betty mckim.

  11. Betty- I have emailed you.

    MH the other MH- yes make this bread it is so easy!

  12. You know, i don't cook with much salt as the BP etc. does not like it, and for that reason do not make salt pigs (generally only making that which I would use) BUT a friend has an order in and I will do it and your post is quite instructive :)

  13. salt separates the bugs!! well i never...much friendlier than spraying the boogers :P

  14. Gary- you will have to post up that pig.
    And ang- add some salt to rid yourself of eating those bugs.


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