Friday, December 7, 2012

Whynot has slowed the wheels.....

The past week has found Mark down with the flu (or a bad cold) and all that stuff that comes with not feeling well. Having a runny nose and such means making pots become just too much trouble. ( oh, bother)

He has taken to getting better with me making him a concoction of ginger, honey and lemon. It taste so good all you want is to eat this. And, yet, it has been beneficial for the what ails you by soothing the scratchy throat and being added to hot water as a tea. I made more last night. I squeeze a lemon put about 2 TBS. honey in and add ginger. Stir like mad to mix it all. Then just eat a teaspoon or place about a TBS. in hot water to drink.
 He is on the up and up now so the wheels may get turning again next week.

 I thought I would show you some locally made NC pots from old friends.
 General Foister Cole past away a few years back, but Mark and I meet this sweet man at a show we did in the 1980's. He admired one of Mark's vases and we admired this simple, elegant Rebecca Pitcher. A trade was made and this sits close to me in my office. It is so strong a shape and yet quiet with the white glaze on it.
GF Cole

GF Cole
This Rebecca was made by one of Neolia Cole's grandson who was working with her in the 90's. I heard that he has moved on to other things now and it not making pots any more.
This one keeps company with the other which seems fitting since they are related.

Cole- Sanford NC
This one was made by Neolia Cole in 1986 and on the bottom is written, " please give me a place in your home."
And, I did.
This Rebecca is very loud compared to the others but they all sit close together.
Funny to think they are all made from the same pottery family and they are all related shapes all bought at different times in my life.
Then somehow in my placing of objects they all sit together.
Neolia Cole Sanford NC
History and pottery are very closely tied in North Carolina.
You can't seem to have one without the other.

Hope your day is filled with good things.


  1. Thanks. I love seeing old traditional pots.Wishing Mark a speedy recovery.

  2. Good to know Mark is feeling better. Hope you escape it! There is some awful crud going around.

    Love the timeline behind these pots!

  3. me too Dennis- on both accounts.
    Anna- i know and you know until I started writing I did not realize that connection- must have been in the back of my mind.

  4. thank Powen- I hope you and your family are well!

  5. Love the Rebecca pitchers, particularly the white one. My daughter lives in Chapel Hill. Next time I visit, I may have to convince her to head to Seagrove for a day or two.

  6. Beautiful. I hope Mark feels better really soon.

  7. i make the same brew for all of us when we get sick, works better than any 'moder medicine' we have! I also make it for us when we have digestive trouble, works for that too. i knew before I read your words that was a Cole pitcher, beautiful.

  8. modern :)
    one day Im going to get real glasses!

  9. Love the last one, have Mark try the Wellness Formula, Gary swears by it. I need glasses to read the number verification, why do they have to be so small and squished together Ha.

    oh the first verification didn't work, I'll see if this one works. this time the numbers are much larger

  10. I'd never heard the name "Rebecca Pitcher" before I came across it here, but it is a lovely name for a lovely form. For some reason I think of old English pitchers when I see the basic shape, but the handle is like the marvellous improvement the Romans must have made to English life when they invaded, bringing with them garlic and onions, good wine, swimming pools and underfloor central heating! I love that handle, especially in the first pitcher where it is simple and strong.
    Eeek, sorry.. I rant on! I'm obviously still delirious with this
    horrible virus that your Mark and I seem to be sharing. I am going to have to try the wheel again today... but not for long I suspect! The ginger, honey and lemon sounds a great idea! P

  11. Glad Mark is on the mend. I love your photo spot!

  12. Wonderful pots; great opportunity to celebrate the continuing connection between the potters of Seagrove and the potters of Sanford. Hope you avoid the flu!

  13. Jeff and I are friends with Neolia's great niece (I think that's the relationship), who lives in NH. She makes really crazy face jugs. Jeff used to throw jugs for her before we moved to North Carolina.
    It's interesting to see the different artists take on the same form.

  14. Those pots do have a strong influence on many of the potters here. I have seen them done well and not so well. There really is something to say about those handles. I love the way they finish the pot.
    Mark- better.


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