Monday, January 28, 2013

Front to back ---Notes

 Notes I would make to me after this firing:

 Front stack top and bottom cone went down very close to one another.
Black glaze a bit on the thick size.
  Top ash glaze a bit on the thin side.
Note- add some water to the black glaze.
Take some water off of the ash glaze.

 Note to self- are you crazy making buttons again?
Well, I am sewing and I need some clay buttons...crazy, yes.

When making tall pots and there are not enough fillers of the right size you help bring the space up by placing smaller pots on bricks.

Overall- a good fire.
Now get those orders ready to go.


  1. thanks Anna they are really pretty in person. So are the wood ash ones- I need one!

  2. Looks like it could be a poster for Whynot Pottery! Gorgeous!

  3. beautiful! this is inspiring me to get back in the studio after a few weeks away...

  4. Wow!! What a great firing. I am still a beginner in so many ways and putting small pots on a brick...well, great idea!! So thanks for sharing your notes :)

  5. This looks like a beautiful firing, that might be another note to make to yourself. I like the tip about putting smaller pots on bricks, I'm sure I'll have to use that one day.

  6. Looks like a good firing, Meredith. I've made clay buttons in the past. In fact, I think there is a cup full of them somewhere in the studio. Only found one friend who would use them. But mine are no doubt inferior to yours.
    I'm about at cone 9 right now, so only an hour or so left before I shut down.

  7. Looks like a good firing, Meredith. I've made clay buttons in the past. In fact, I think there is a cup full of them somewhere in the studio. Only found one friend who would use them. But mine are no doubt inferior to yours.
    I'm about at cone 9 right now, so only an hour or so left before I shut down.

  8. Wow. So many sweet and clean lined beauties! I feel like I should be jealous. Are you the girl with a clean refrigerator too?!

  9. maybe we all need a day to make buttons!'Susan--- busted- I like to on occasion "clean" the refrigerator, I know- it's the ocd kicking in.


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