Sunday, January 27, 2013

Slow Sunday at the end of January

I just noticed that my hands are covered by black from taking some bricks from the kiln door. Usually I have on gloves when I am handling the bricks but since it is pretty cool I just got in it  with my hands.

We are planning to unload in the morning but, but, there are those peeks that we like to sneak in.
Things look pretty well from what we can see from here.
The truth is in the unloading and that will be tomorrow.
Because I need a day or two off.
 We usually like to have some down time in January but we had orders to fill and things to get ahead, and, so, the time off was lost to work.
Yes, work.

So the last few days even with some snow and ice thrown in there I was able to get some work done in my office, sew a little, clean a little, read a little, play a game or two.
We even watch a movie. WOW! I know!
I also shredded some of those many papers we keep for too many years.

Talk about that feeling good. ( my kids will thank me later.)

Here is the other job waiting for me to get back to it. I want to get a load of tiles through the kiln next week or so, but the glazing on this is slow.......
There really is nothing fast or easy about what we do.
It all takes thought and time.
I'll have more pictures for you tomorrow.
For now I need to wash my hands.
Enjoy your Sunday afternoon,


  1. It's like CHRISTMAS! So many pretty things to look at.

  2. Nothing fast or easy??? Somebody should have told me sooner!

  3. I can't wait to see these beautiful tiles! And of course, I always love the kiln photos. Hope you had a good, restful day off. I'm working in the yard, pruning, and repotting. In January.

  4. Those look like some really nice pots in there! I hear you about wanting to slow down in January....maybe February too ;) Good for you to catch a movie during the DAY!!


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