Friday, March 29, 2013

Mid-week rumble

 Nothing starts the mid-week like jumping right back into the work cycle.
Mark made some vases on Wednesday and yesterday they were ready to put some texture on.

The new clay body seems to dry a bit quicker than the old and by yesterday afternoon it was time for some carving and stamping.

The pot to the right will be a lamp.
We made a lamp for a customer back in January and they like that one enough to ask for another.
They will not match to perfection, but will be kissing cousins.
Plus,I figure we will leave the matching to the mass production marketing. They are pretty good at the mass market where we are looking for the individual market. Those folks that love something different in their home.

This vase is a possible wedding gift.
How lucky will that couple be!? I love the shape of this vase it has some great angles going on that will lend well to some carving and stamping. I expect this one will have some changes before the end of the day.

Here is a vase just after Mark has done his work on it, but before it has its handles added to it.

Handles on, hats on, now its all about drying.

I have many small fillers waiting for me. Mark went straight to the big pots, I went straight to the small stuff and we will meet somewhere in the middle.

A few oil lamps from the last firing, don't they look great in a group?

I am going to pay some bills, join me, bring your checkbook and we'll play with numbers.


  1. Pretty pots. Mark's vase forms are so elegant. Wish I were that tall and shapely!

  2. Mark is super human to be throwing that many big pots so quick! I love that shot of your oil lamps, as pretty as they are, I was also drawn to the quilted piece. Why haven't I seen that before? It looks so interesting....

  3. Matching is over rated, those lamps are too beautiful to have a matching set, they should stand on their own together.

  4. I always like seeing the big carved vases.Such nice work.

  5. As a non-potter, I have no idea of the work involved in these beautiful creations, so it's really interesting to see your process here.

  6. Les- we love you just the way you are.

  7. TB- I will have to show you this piece. It is a fun piece I bought a number of years ago from a local man who is from Colombia, not SC....

  8. Lori- how true! Dennis- thanks- I love seeing them as well.
    Thanks Gary and small town mom- thanks for following as we continue this pottery path.

  9. Beautiful! All those pots are making me look really lazy this week.

  10. yes, really like the oil lamps! Walked by Raven Nut Pottery or whatever it's called this pm and saw one of your pieces in the window. hope it leaves there soon!


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