Monday, April 1, 2013

April fools day

 Anyone who knows me will know that I hate practical jokes. I don't get them and they truly make me cringe. I am a person who wants so badly to shout out the truth when someone is playing the joke.
So instead I will wish you a happy and fantastic April day full of rainbows, bunnies, butterflies, and unicorns.
Because, that is just how I feel when spring gets here and I would rather share some good with you than a laugh at you. But- I would be happy to have a laugh with you.

Mark took a picture of one of his lamps from the bottom side to show you how he does the bottom of the lamp. He throws the bottom as if he is making a flower pot, with the bottom drawn up and a whole placed in the center. Later he flips them over and  cuts the hole on the side.
This makes for a nice lamp bottom and give plenty of room to attach the inside lamp parts.
 You just have to be careful not to make the bottom too thin. If you do it could crack while tighten the nuts.

Here is a close up of the textured base of a lamp.

 I love the way the texture will catch the glaze.

Last week was one of those upside down weeks for me in which I almost mailed a package to myself instead of the customer. In fact I had it all labeled and in the truck when I remembered that I never put the address in for the customer. I pulled out the boxes and sure enough I had sent them from me to me....
I was able to void the transaction and start fresh but here is the funny part. It cost more to ship it to myself than it did to ship to the customer.
The other funny part was Mark helped me place the labels and neither of  us read what they said.

So who needs to be made a fool when I can do that so well all on my own!?

My next fool's trick was to send a gift card to the wrong address.
Yes, you read it here. I did it.

 I got lucky that the person I shipped it to did not pick it up and I was able to  send it to the correct person.

I wonder how long I have included this fine stranger in on a few family emails......

This is a close up of the blue and black combination. This glaze has so much depth to it.

The mystery flowers bloomed during the past week.
These started coming up and it took me awhile to remember that I had stuck them in the ground.
They were given to me by a friend after Lee departed this earth.
How fitting that they decided to bloom on the week leading up to her birthday. How wonderful to have this sweet reminder of her.
She would have loved these.

Happy April first.
Rabbit, Rabbit Linda....



  1. white rabbit to you, hyacinths smell so wonderful

  2. Thanks for showing the bottom of the lamps, they have a nice finished look.

    Too funny about the shipping charges. Go figure. It really makes you wonder what criteria they use to calculate shipping.

  3. I don't like the jokes either, so thank you for this!

  4. I will take hyacinths and cool pottery over practical jokes any day! I dearly miss spring bulbs so keep 'em coming!

  5. I love the color of those hyacinths! I'm with you on the practical jokes... never thought it was funny to laugh at the expense of someone else. Now, laugh with you... I'd most definitely love to!

  6. Like I said I can make myself a fool most days without help!
    Yes, spring is really here and the flowers are showing off.


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