Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Places to go, people to see."

Mark and I just returned from a jaunt up the road a piece to see family and celebrate the grandchild's 3rd birthday.
We had a great  time at the party watching all the kids and grown-ups enjoying themselves.
There were bubbles.
What is a party without bubbles?

There was dancing and music by; Atumpan-The Talking Drums

There was a special dance around the birthday girl.
She was a bit confused at first since no one was in the middle with her.
But it all worked out .

And, there was cake.
When asked if she wanted to open presents she said, "No, thanks."
She was having too much fun.

Happy Birthday Mara!


  1. Oh, she looks so sweet! Love the "no thanks" to presents. Looks like you had a great weekend!

  2. She is a great person to be around.
    It was so much fun watching the kids play with each other.

  3. Looks like fun.Life isn't all pottery all the time.

  4. Looks like it was tons of fun. Sorry I missed it. That kid is pretty wonderful.

  5. Life should come with bubbles.
    There is more to life than just pots.
    Les, I know I got some of your kisses.

  6. How sweet. Kids are the best.

    ... I always have bubble stuff under my kitchen sink, you never know when you'll need it.

  7. I live in a bubble, haha!
    I would love to see a photo of you as a little girl, every time I see a picture of this child she reminds me so much of her grandmother! What fun, happy birthday sweet little girl!

  8. Ah, bubbles and cake... perfect! How absolutely wonderful the presents were not all she was focused on. She's a sweetheart!

  9. I am so crack'n open that bottle of bubbles I've been saving in the studio on a dusty shelf! Happy Birthday!

  10. TB- you do live in a bubble! A bubble of fun!
    Yes, we do all need some bubbles.
    I am putting them on my shopping list today.

  11. Adorable!
    And how wonderful to be having too much fun to open presents. Love it!

  12. Happy birthday Mara - such a beautiful child! Too much fun for presents - what a party! We keep a bottle of bubbles on our back deck!

  13. So. Much.Fun.!!! Happy Birthday to Mara :)

  14. wow- what a precious girl! love the name Mara. Simply beautiful.


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